When you forgive.


If you're a vindictive being, I mean a kind that takes pride in his or her inability to forgive, you can like me from a distance and there will be no problem, but don't try to come close, because you won't be able to do that. It will happen that when you take a step towards me, I will take two steps away from you.

I know that it could be difficult to forgive a hurt, especially if it hurt real well, but a healthy person should always fight against that urge of being vindictive. I do have such urges whenever a person hurt me, and I would like to believe that we all do, but some of us don't yield to such nudgings. When we are really hurt, we talk to people if need be, seek for healing and move on.

An urge is like a strong inner voice nudging you to take a particular action. It is left for you to either act on the voice or try hard to refuse its nudges.

If you're like; "I'm unforgiving and I love it", I wouldn't judge you, but I will stay away from you as much as I can.

You might want to believe that I'm saying this because I love hurting people, and I'm hoping that I don't get paid with my own coin. That would be far from the truth.

If you must know, I hate hurting people. Infact the only time I'm truly pained emotionally is when I have the idea that someone is hurt by my action or inaction.

Anyone that's close to me would easily know this.

Despite the purity of my intentions, I'm still not oblivious of my imperfections. Yes I can do more than just hurting a fly; even if I don't want to.

Sometimes it might not even be your fault that people are hurt by your actions. It might stem from the fact that someone feels disappointed or betrayed by you. Trust me such feeling hurts.

Someone can only feel disappointed by your action because he/she expected something better from you.

Someone only feel betrayed by those he/she trust.

It might not be your fault that a person feels that way.

Sometimes people overrate us; they lift us to an infallible pedestal. Hence when our fallibility shows up they feel disappointed.

People might even expect from us what we can't give. When we fail to meet their expectations they end up being disappointed and feeling hurt.

Being aware of human's imperfection, I make up my mind to easily forgive.

There is no guarantee whatsoever that someone won't try to hurt me, but I've made up my mind to forgive. I might fail at this, but I'll never resort to being vindictive.

I also hope that when I wrong you that you'll forgive me.

If you can't, there's actually no need for us to be friends today, because we will be sworn enemies if things goes south tommorow

Relationships do go south. Life do happens

When it happens, I believe the best thing to do is to clear your mind off any form of ill you might feel towards the person that hurt you.

When you forgive, you free yourself of toxicity.

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