Do we still value relationships?



Lately, there have been an alarming rate of divorce and breakups. Even friendships hardly lasts. Associates waste no time at dragging each other to the mud, should there be a little misunderstanding.

We are indeed living in the fast lane. spending time to build a thing is a habit that is fast disappearing.

But the truth still remains, nothing worthwhile is done in a jiffy.

You can take that to the bank, although that is not my main case here.

In as much as I don't ascribe to divorce and breakups of any kind, I however understands that situations do make some things inevitable.

In the case of incessant abuse of a partner by a partner, any attempt to put up with such relationship is nothing short of a suicide mission.

In such cases it's safe for the victim to save himself or herself from such toxicity, by staying away from the abusive partner.

In some quarters marriage is seen as a social experiment, where two grown individuals come together and bind themselves under a vow in hope of a better future.

Just as every experiment, it might not yield the expected outcome. As a result the couple may decide to separate.

In such cases I would have love to preach love. I would've love to state the fact that love endures, it is patience and it easily forgives.

But I know that no vested with the authority of telling grown people how to live their lives, especially if their actions isn't punishable by the customary law of their respective society.

So two grown adults can decide that a relationship, a friendship or an association isn't working and therefore opt for a separation.

My worry is; is there no way this separation can be done without bitterness or at least with minimal amount of it?

Is there no way it can be done with understanding?

A disturbing trend warranted that question.

We have situations where people who once saw their partners as the best thing after slice bread decide to go their seperate way.

No doubt, I would've love to advise against that, but I think, if it must come to that, then it shouldn't be more scandalous than it already is. Or Should it?

Maybe my reasonings are archaic, hence I can't understand latest stuffs.

what do I see now?

Screenshots exposing the weaknesses of someone they once claimed to love.

We also see voice notes flying around social media, released by one of the partner in an attempt to shame someone they once professed love to.

I'm beginning to think that some people get into relationship with no notion to love.

How do you love someone and keep the record of the person's wrong against when you guys will be separated?

That action makes it look like you were planning for that all along.

Social media have offered us a stage with billions spectators, hence everyone wants to put up show.

Funnily enough, the Public are enjoying the show so they'll keep egging the partners on to continue getting messy in a bid to outdo one another.

So it is more like "who's gonna get messier?"

We are fast losing our sanity to the cheers of social media mob.

I believe that the noble at heart should be concerned about how this abnormality can ebbed so that it doesn't become more normal than it is.

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