Weekened Snapshots Of Wildflowers And Its Arrangement by @mers

1/320 Sec. f/9 35 mm

Sometimes in days when I feel in stress, I tend to urge myself to be creative. It´s kind of an instinct that I always have particularly in the day to day life of a retiree. I have been retired from the corporate world since five years now and I do not miss my former job at all, despite it being hectic, full of stress....somehow it was challenging though. Even then, I still managed to do container gardening, done a lot of blogging and did household chores, they were kind of balancing acts for me. When I came home from work, I simply concentrated on what was to be done at home.


My Wildflower arrangements ...

Above was the wildflower arrangement I was telling about when I took snapshots last weekend of the flowers featured here. I think I have done more than 100 wildflower arrangements before we relocated from our row house to a new flat a year ago which I have featured in my other blog Challenging Arts & Crafts. You can view part of my past arrangements here and here a sample collage of which is below:

PicMonkey Collage.jpg

Wannabe photographer....

I do not want to be a professional photographer, I can not even call myself an amateur one. But I am still self-learning, I only know I love to photograph nature especially flowers, wildflowers, anything that has something to do with flora and fauna. Note that the date of the camera had not been adjusted as I still have to connect it to my computer. It is sad to think that as a retiree, I do not have much time at the moment because I have to attend to my hobbies... I blog, I crypto-trade, I love to cook, do container gardening, etc. Others think of what they will do when their retirement comes. I am telling you, be creative and your life won´t be boring! So below are the snapshots I did.

The Snapshots of the Wildflowers

A bug clinging onto the flower of the thistle...1/320 Sec. f/7.1 89 mm

This bee was difficult to capture with the camera because it was moving from one flower to the other. 1/160 Sec. f/5.6 97 mm

The sunrays did good to this cluster of flowers.... 1/250 Sec. f/6.3 122 mm

A fully bloomed Queen Anne´s lace ...1/250 Sec. f/8 50 mm

Queen Anne´s Lace from the side view...1/320 Sec. f/8 78 mm

1/250 Sec. f/5 62 mm

1/320 Sec. f/8 64 mm

1/250 Sec. f/8 50 mm

I hope you like the images. Until next time...

All images were photographed by @mers...Camera: Canon EOS 90D/Lens used: EFS 18-135mm

GIF by @Gremayo.gif

GIF by @gremayo

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