POBPhotoContest - Leaves || Hojas [ENG/ESP]

“In every change, in every falling leaf there is some pain, some beauty. And that's the way new leaves grow.”

Amit Ray

Leaves || Hojas

A couple of days ago while I was buying some groceries for my house, I noticed a creeping daisy located in a planter behind the stall where I had parked my car.

This is a shrub typical of tropical areas that is usually covered with tiny flowers of intense yellow color, however, this time it was devoid of flowers and the few that were there were completely withered, probably because of the time of year, equivalent to Autumn in the Northern Hemisphere, when the leaves fall from the trees to receive Winter.

Hace un par de días mientras me encontraba comprando algunos víveres para mi casa, observé una margarita rastrera ubicada en una jardinera detrás del puesto donde había estacionado mi carro.

Este es un arbusto propio de las zonas tropicales que suele cubrirse de diminutas florecillas de intenso color amarillo, sin embargo, en esta oportunidad estaba desprovista de flores y las pocas que habían estaban completamente marchitas, probablemente por la época del año, equivalente a Otoño en el Hemisferio Norte, cuando las hojas caen de los árboles para recibir el Invierno.

All the Photos are of my Authorship, as well as the Edition of the same ones.

This is my entry for the #POBPhotoContest challenge. This is an initiative of @friendlymoose. I hope you enjoy it.

Esta es mi participación para el desafío #POBPhotoContest. Esta es una iniciativa de @friendlymoose. Espero que lo disfruten.


Camera: Samsung Galaxy A12
Photo Editor: Picsart / Snapseed
Location: Barquisimeto, Lara, Venezuela
Date: 29-11-2023

Si les gustó este Post, los invito a apoyar mi trabajo siguiendo mi cuenta @manuelgil64 dejando sus comentarios y votando


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