'...rise up to fight for your freedom.'

These words are taken from a speech given by a character named Boz, voiced by and bearing an uncanny resemblance to David Bowie, in the 1999 single-player RPG game 'Omikron'. Boz is the lead singer of an in-game band, and ten original songs were written and performed by Bowie and Reeves Gabrels for the game.

OMIKRON: THE NOMAD SOUL, to give it the full title, has seen a resurgence of interest lately due to the naming of the 'variant' Omicron, despite the slightly different spelling. Omicron is the fifteenth letter in the Greek alphabet, 'o', and quite literally means "little O" (o mikron).

However, other parallels have been drawn between this cult-classic game and current events.

In the game, players are lured into the city of Omikron by Demons and given the task of pursuing a serial killer. The short version is, if you lose the game, your soul is lost forever. A forfeit that is to occur not only in the game but also in reality, apparently (well, that's according to something I read in a forum about it one time. So obviously true).

“Wake up. People of Omikron and its corrupt government are lulling you to sleep in order to control you better. They have transformed you into puppets that are manipulated by Icks and the Demons. Join the Awakened Ones and rise up to fight for your freedom. Together we can win.”

In the game, Boz (Bowie), gives this speech, describing a corrupt government seeking greater control over the population (not especially far-fetched so far, eh).

He goes on to urge, 'rise up and fight for your freedom'. A plea not too dissimilar to many of the rallying cries heard at protests around the world over the past couple of years, following the global restrictions, limitation of movements, lockdowns, forced vaccination, and so on.

As for the reference to 'lulling you to sleep'. The call to 'wake up' is a familiar one among activists as they strive to Red Pill the masses, aiming to awaken them from slumber in order to see the true nature of reality.

' They have transformed you into puppets that are manipulated...'

Are people in the real world puppets that have been manipulated? I think so, and it's a big issue that could demand its own dedicated piece of writing, but let me put it in a simple way.

If you trust everything your government is telling you to be the truth, and believe that they are always acting in your best interests.

If you believe the mainstream media are fair and balanced and reporting facts, and if you think they're impartial and don't think they can be controlled.

You have been manipulated.

Do you act in response to their advice and demands, complying, even when logic is telling you and instinct is telling you that it doesn't make any sense?

You have been transformed into a puppet.

Happily, this is a situation that can be rectified.

By the way, you can watch the full speech clip for yourselves right here:

Soul-harvesting demons? Conspiracy abounds, as, at the time of the game's release, Bill Gates headed Microsoft and many Internet-People are making some fairly predictable connections there. The game was actually developed by Quantic Dream and published by Eidos Interactive, though it was released for Microsoft Windows which could be where the Gates connection actually starts and ends. Make of that what you will.

Even if the prophetic nature of the game seems too out there for you, I'd recommend playing it anyway. OMIKRON: THE NOMAD SOUL may seem a bit dated now in its visual aesthetics, but was pretty ahead of its time in some ways and sure to be a growing cult classic, particularly with all of the new-found publicity surrounding it.
I remember playing it several years ago (with the aid of a walkthrough) and enjoyed it, not least for Bowie's accompanying soundtrack. Bearing in mind that I wasn't looking for any messages foreshadowing the grim future in which we now reside, at the time.


You can get OMIKRON: THE NOMAD SOUL on Steam, currently priced £6.99.

According to Steam, the minimum requirements to run the game are as below.

OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8
Processor: 1.8 GHz Processor
Memory: 512 MB RAM
Graphics: 3D graphics card with 1 GB of RAM
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Storage: 2 GB available space

However, I have managed to get it running on Linux, too. If you run a Debian-based distro, these instructions may be helpful as you'll first need to install Steam, then follow these instructions to Enable Steam Play, which is what you will need to do for running a Windows-only Steam game in Linux. (I gather it's also possible to run through PlayOn Linux, but as I haven't tried, I couldn't comment on how well that works).


Bowie fans (and I certainly count myself as one) say he was ahead of his time, and I don't doubt that in many ways, he was, but I certainly don't believe he got involved with this game in order to aid The Great Reset, as I've seen suggested.

Many of the conspiracy-minded are seeing the game as predictive programming and as very relevant to today's events.

I dunno, maybe it's all just a game...


Join the Awakened Ones and rise up to fight for your freedom. Together we can win.


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