If You Want Google To Find Your Crypto Posts, Use LeoFinance

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(This post is exclusive to Proof of Brain.)


By this time many Hivers here know about me from my posts at both LeoFinance and Proof of Brain:

  • I publish posts at both proofofbrain.io and at leofinance.io;
  • I upvote, comment, and otherwise engage at both domains;
  • Most of my posts are published at one domain and tagged for the other;

On occasion, I'll write a post meant for either LeoFinance or Proof of Brain, but not both. This is post is meant only for Proof of Brain.

Since most of my posts are crypto-related, those posts are permitted at both domains. When I write posts not suitable for LeoFinance, Proof of Brain is my go-to tribe and community. For crypto posts along the lines of satire and humor, I'll publish at Proof of Brain and tag LeoFinance.

Why Am I Mentioning These Details about My Writing Habits?

SEO -- Search Engine Optimization.

Crypto-oriented posts are best suited to publishing at LeoFinance, even if they will be tagged for viewing in other communities or tribes.

Most of us know that posts published usinng a tribal front-end earn the poster an extra 10% in earnings (or other percentage as determined by the tribe).

What many of us don't know-- and I didn't know this until the other day-- is that the domain we use to publish our post determines how high search engines (most especially Google) will rank them.

Since LeoFinance is known as a crypto-oriented community (not to mention money and old-school fiannce community), it makes sense that crypto posts originating at leofinance.io would rank higher than crypto posts originating at peakd.com or proofofbrain.io.

Other Reasons for Publishing Crypto Posts from leofinance.io

When we publish a post-- on any topic, at any community, using any front-end-- there is some back-end processing taking place we don't pay attention to unless we're developers or earning our daily bread as developers elsewhere. In this way, the broad world of Hive Social is like WordPress, Joomla!, or Drupal: a Content Management System (CMS).

A CMS takes various pieces of content (part of which we write ourselves, part of which comes from templates and plug-ins). One of the "plug-ins" (if I can call it that) used by LeoFinance specifically is to speficy the URL for the LeoFinance post as the canonical URL.

What's a Canonical URL, and Why Should I Care about It?

When content is located at multiple locations-- say, your blog and a news aggregator-- content at one version needs to be designated as the authoritative source to use for referencing purposes. (Usually it's the version at your blog.) That link is known as the canonical URL, and it is designated within a web page's HTML HEAD section by a <meta> element.

Search engines which rank pages consider the page at the canonical URL to be more authoritative, so this particular version of the page is more trusted by the search engines when they appear on the search engines results page.

More information about canonical URL's can be found at this link:

LeoFinance takes advantage of the canonical URL feature by adding that designation to every post published at the leofinance.io domain. This is one way to promote pages on search engines so that search engines can find them and bring organic search traffic to the domain. A version published at D.Buzz-- bad example, I know-- and tagged for LeoFinance won't rank as high as a version published at LeoFinance and tagged for D.Buzz.

The canonical URL helps search engines locate the "official" version of your post, rank it higher, and give it a better chance of being chosen by people using search engines. This organic search traffic is an important source of ad revenue not just for LeoFinance but for Hive generally. We should know that more ad revenue benefits us all.

Benefits of Publishing Crypto Posts at LeoFinance

  • When it comes to crypto posts on Hive, LeoFinance is the leader. We may have awesome crypto content, but it's useless if no one can see it. At LeoFinance, plenty of people will see it. Engagement is another matter, but before engagement can become a concern the content needs to be seen. When there is engagement, it is more targeted and better-focused.

  • If we want to take advantage of timely content, people at LeoFinance are talking about it. If we want to take advantage of evergreen content, LeoFinance is at the forefront of a Hiver-led effort to produce evergreen content with optimized SEO to bring organing search traffic not just to LeoFinance but to Hive as a whole.

  • LeoFinance uses back-end CMS code to make links to our posts canonical, which helps our posts rank higher when search engines find them at the leofinance.io domain.

  • Higher page rankings make it easier for organic search engine traffic to find us and our posts, increasing ad revenue in the process. As a side effect, ad revenues benefit all of us regardless of what we post and where we post.

  • Just as Proof of Brain offers the POB token, LeoFinance offers the LEO token.

  • Just as Proof of Brain offers higher earnings when we publish using its tribal front end, it's the same situation with LeoFinance.

If You Write Crypto Posts, Publish at leofinance.io and Tag PoB.

Because of the way search engines operate, it makes a big difference which domain we use when we publish our posts. For genreal topics, it doesn't really matter. For specific topics, use the domain closely associated with that topic, and tag other communities or tribes so that the post appears in their feeds.

In the case of crypto, for the reasons I noted in this post, it is better to publish at leofinance.io by using the tribal front end and use tags to have the post appear in other feeds. SEO is the guiding principle for this reminder.

When posting crypto content, it's not enough to publish somewhere and tag other places. For crypto content to produce for us in more ways than one, it's important to take advantage of features which give us a better chance to hav readers find us. The best way for that to happen is to post crypto content at LeoFinance.

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