Don't Cheat Yourself! Use the Right Front-End To Upvote


It took me 2 months to pass dusting threshold and see curation rewards arrive. Slowly the curation rewards have been growing (0.002 HP here, 0.004 HP there, etc.). Part of that is due to using tribal front ends as much as possible due to the higher rewards we get for using them. One day I'll have so much HP it won't matter which front-end I use for anything. Until that day arrives, I need to keep using tribal front-ends. This affects the upvotes we make, too. Don't cheat yourself! Use the right front-end to upvote.

Upvotes and Front-Ends

Since I spend much time posting at Proof of Brain and LeoFinance, most of my comments and upvoting is done at those 2 places. Most of my earnings come from POB and LEO,so these places have been good to me as a new Hiver.

Once in a while I post at other tribes and at other communities which rely on the general front-ends (#Ecency, #PeakD, and #Hive.Blog). It's when I upvote using the general front-ends that I noticed something I hadn't expected:

  • My upvote wasn't worth what I thought it was.

Depending on where I upvote, at the moment 1 upvote looks like for me:

  • POB -- 0.30000000
  • LEO -- 0.030
  • Ecency -- 0.001

Unit Bias?

Ecency does everything at Layer 1-- the Hive blockchain itself. My voting power in terms of HIVE and Hive Power is best reflected here.

Where it gets distorted is when I use tribal front-ends to take advantage of Layer 2-- the sidechains where the tribes (and games) are located.

While I have more or less similar amounts of staked POB and LEO (around 350 of each), he value of my upvote is dramatically different. I can't explain why this would be, but I know there are several factors involved. That's not my concern.

My concern here is just knowing that the disparity exists. This means that each tribe has its own rules and formulas for calculating what someone's upvote is worth. And that means if I use a different front-end to upvote the same content I will end up with a different result when the curation rewards arrive.

Point To Keep in Mind

As I noted earlier, much of my time is at 2 places. That means my engagement is at those 2 places, and that includes the upvotes I make.

As a result, the value of my Layer 2 upvotes (especially in terms of POB and LEO) is greater than for my Layer 1 upvotes (done primarily with Ecency).

Had I spent more time using Ecency to engage with tribal content, my numbers would be dramatically different.

Because of the path I took to make my earnings, my earnings are what they are. This includes the value of my upvotes. I'm OK with that.

What To Do?

An upvote I make at The CTP Swarm or at Hive Hustlers will have a lesser value than an upvote I make at Proof of Brain or LeoFinance. Since I'm not active at The CTP Swarm or at Hive Hustlers as I am at PoB and at LF, I shouldn't expect the same kind of numbers of my upvotes.

So I decided on this approach:

  • I match the front-end I use to the post made. Use PoB to upvote a PoB post, use to upvote a CTP post, etc.
  • If I want to upvote a post or comment I find which was made using a general front-end, I switch to a tribal front-end. If the tribal front-end can present the post-- and not all will-- then I use that front-end to make my upvote.

For the most part, that approach has worked for me.

One Side Effect

Unfortunately, this means that for any content generated with a general front-end, my upvote has minimal value. For those upvotes, I'm still at dusting threshold or below it.

Recently @dustsweeper and @dustbunny have been helping me by pushing me above dusting threshold, but that doesn't solve my upvote situation.

So What Now?

As much as I want to keep using tribal front-ends to boost my Layer 2 earnings, I can't neglect my Layer 1 earnings-- actual HIVE and Hive Power.

Not that I'll go out of my way to find content just to find it, but if I encounter anything generated from a general front-end I should use a general front-end to make my upvote. If I'm not active at Layer 1, I can't expect my upvote to gain value.

My Solution

I will match my upvoting with the front-end used to generate the content.

Use Layer 1 with Layer 1, and use Layer 2 with Layer 2.

If I use Layer 2, then use the right tribal-front end; no mismatching. Use PoB for POB, use LF for LEO, use for CTP, etc.

I think this approach will help bring me better balance in my upvote value. It will still take a while for me to see progress at Layer 1, but now I know what to expect and I can work on improving that situation.

Top Line Comment Banner for Proof of Brain

Special mention to @dibblers.dabs for is post "When you know, you know. When you first join Hive, you don't." about ways we can earn more. Upvoting is one of them, but we need to be more careful in how we do that.

Top Line Comment Banner for Proof of Brain

● If you liked this post, please give it an upvote.

● Please reblog or re-Hive this post if you found it useful.

● If there are corrections or clarifications I need to make concerning post content, let me know in a comment so I can update the post and give you credit for the correction.

● As I am neither a cetrified professional accountant nor a licensed broker, posts concerning cryptocurrency, commodities, securities, and money are presented for informational purposes only; DYOR.
Public Service Announcements
● Although I've learned a lot about Hive and its ecosystem of dApps, there's much more I don't know. Where can Hivers new and old learn more? Visit TheTerminal for FAQs, tips, references, and terrific how-to content.

● If your voting power is beneath dusting threshold, follow and use @dustsweeper and @dustbunny to boost your voting power. Authors you upvote will be glad you did, and you'll be happy to start claiming curation rewards..
About @magnacarta
My main focus is cryptocurrencies from a number of angles (educational, commentary, observations, even pop culture). A secondary focus is sharing my discoveries about the world of Hive Social.

Most of my posts can be found at these two locations:
* LeoFinance : @magnacarta
* Proof of Brain : @magnacarta

For posts I make at other tribes or communities, start here to locate them :
* Ecency: @magnacarta/posts

Follow me at this D.Buzz-only account :
* D.Buzz : note the ."buzz" at the end!

I also expect Festivus to take off in popularity in the coming years.

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