Sin And Religion

There a quote about religion from one of the National Hero named Raden Ajeng Kartini, she was also the pioneer in woman emancipation here in Indonesia.

Religions is keeping us away from sin, but how many sins we have done in the name of religions?

It is really a bitter pills to swallow, as there has been so many crime, war, destruction, hate just in the name of religion. Because everyone thinking that their religion is the right one, and the other religions should never existed, and all they have done are wrong.

I was just wondering what really went wrong because as far as I know every religion teach and guide us to be compassionate about the other, sometimes they teach us to care about animal and nature as much as we care about human.

But then turns out we treat our fellow human worse than animal just because they are different in religions we don't share the same believe and way to worship the Almighty God.

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Here in my place, sometimes it is also being use to take down politician or pubic figure with the blasphemy law article. Most of the time because he is in the oppositions, or the one speaks so loud, or those who wants to make the country clean.

There has been so many religious conflict in the past here in Indonesia, and I can say it really bring a big black mark in a country claiming to be so tolerance.

There has been several bombing targeting other worshiping place, or if you remember the Bali Bombing, that is one of a big proof the sin that has been done under the name of religion.

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