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My lemonade sales are coming along !..A big thanks to all the idiots that helped me come so far, so soon....

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This will be a required action...

What short sighted will people see as a negative action - those with more vision, intelligence, and imagination, will see it as a positive one.

When the people who own this...

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Live like this, inside...

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...they want the status quo to continue.

....So when they see someone wanting to do this...

To make way for this...

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...the short sighted and not so intelligent people, become frightened.
They express and perceive 'positive' as 'negative', and 'negative' as 'positive' (bless).
Scared people hate change, hate progress, hate anything that disrupts their comfort zone.
And anything that questions the cults 'code is law' is vilified. It's an expression of that fear.
(Scared sycophants will support also this position of fear and stagnation).

Open minded people - those with an expansive mindsets - welcome it...Here's where I truly hope that @proofofbraino , and the POB team, come through...

The DpoS ecosystem is a flawed ideology, a flawed structure, driven by incompetence, fear, greed, and worse of all - totalitarian mindset.
Those who support it are flawed in their logic.
Those who actively support it are these people...

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These people have no interest in 'creative destruction' or questioning the cult's narrative - only continuing the status quo.

...And it is a cult.

I'll be doing a psychological post concerning the characteristics of what goes into 'making up a cult', and comparing it to the hive ecosystem.
If you are unable see the similarities - and are unable to see that Hive ticks all the boxes of being a 'cult', then you're either being willfully blind (such as the fat fuckers living it up in the rundown shack , above), or ... you need to educate yourself more...

Before I do the @deepdives post - 'If it walks like a cult, and talks like a cult, it's probably hive social media', I need to do an update on my progress so far...

....My strategy of doing this...

...on this...
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....has been much easier than I'd envisaged.
(I really have do have to stop overestimating peoples intelligence..).

My success - to date- has been far better - and quicker - than expected.

I underestimated (yet again) the stupidity - and fear - in some of these creatures...

This is for illustrative purposes only.
Unfortunately for everyone, too many of the aquatic mammals that we refer to on Hive as whales, and dolphins, in reality, are invertebrates... Or rather, they express all the qualities of invertebrates and not majestic beings.

...would all the real whales, please stand up, please stand up ?

(And who the fuck would make 'an orca' a category?... An orca is a bloody dolphin!....smh.. )

As a reult of the rapid success... I know find myself in this position...

Rather than this position...

Let's not forget ...that this is all thanks to the people who think they're not being manipulated (by myself).

I'm simply applying some classic Saul Alinsky strategies. and And thus, they think that they're acting under their own cognition... (bless).

So my next post will be updating you on all of the juicy details, rather than the psychological breakdown of cults and how they characterize.

This is not driven by any hubris on my part - I find no pleasure in the position that I'm in (although it can be a strange kind of 'fun' at times, I cannot lie..).
Some things are not motivated by the seeking of pleasure - or profits - or hapiness - but by simply 'doing the right thing '..(midwits find this concept utterly incomprehensible).

This kind of transparency that I will offer will add to the psychological pain that is - unfortunately - a necessary 'part of the growing up process'.'s akin to having to paying your own way for the first time - electric, gas and, rent bills - and even buying your own food !....Painful at the time - but a necessary part of the 'growing up' process.

This next post - a 'transparency report' - will hopefully help those that currently see Hive like this ...

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..and this..
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In a more realistic perspective.
Which is more comparable to this...
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And this...

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....I'm trying to break through the delusion - Which is an integral part of any cult.

This truism (from a WW2 bomber pilot) still holds.

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...the constant down voting of my posts (as a result questioning 'the cult leaders'and their 'code is law' ideology) must tell anyone with a brain, that my words ring true .

They're scared of one tiny, solitary, account.

One tiny voice - on a platform of over 5,000!

(in theory)...And then think about what that really says...

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Resilient? Robust? - don't make me fucking laugh...
Ok, I'll stop for now...

PS - @frot - could you please undelegate all your HP from my @lucylin account - ASAP. (19k or something?)

I appreciate all your support of course - but the next phase will be underway soon - A strategy that will spin a few heads!...
With all the flak that this account will soon undoubtedly be receiving from the weak minded, it serves no purpose - for me, or for yourself.
Thanks again, matey !

Long live @proofofbrain ...'cos there's scant evidence of there being much on Hive...
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