No Stopping The Moon!

Greetings all. Warm welcome to my blog again. Hope you are well.
It's another #PobPhotocontest and in this new round we are to share photos of the night. What an interesting topic. 😅. Interesting in the sense that there are many ways one can interpret the topic with photos.

One thing I like doing whenever I'm outdoor is to take random photo of anything that captures my attention, lol. I'm sure some of you do that too. That's the life of a content creator. Well the reason I do this is none other than that I like using my photos for my posts. So it wouldn't be surprising if you go through my gallery and see some funny photos or as some may term it useless photos. I've heard it countless times but one thing is that these funny photos usually become useful one day as I can use them in my posts, just like these ones I'm sharing with you.

This photo is not actually a recent one, it was taken some months ago around 9:00pm here. I was indoors and was about to retire for the night but as I was about drawing the window curtain close, I saw the moon making it's appearance in the sky. I got drawn by it and I decided to take shots of it but the photos were blurry so I stepped outside to get a better view and captured it.

The surprising thing is that the photos turned out to be something that I didn't imagine. I think it looks a bit scary, hehehe. Don't worry, I'll explain.

In the photo you are seeing the moon up there in the dark sky and then the tree, that's actually a coconut tree. But if you take a closer look with your mind's eye, you may see why I said it's a bit scary. Okay let me guide you - the coconut fronds look like the mouth of a giant dragon that wants to swallow or is it capture the moon and the moon on its own is trying to escape. I hope you can see it now?

Aha! a closer look at this one will reveal the coconut-dragon wings. I guess it was getting ready to fly away once it captures the moon, oh no!. Let's see if it finally did in the next photo.

Yah, the moon finally escaped from the dragon, and went about its duty of illuminating the dark night.

This post may seem funny but there's one thing to pick from it....

As you are going about doing your job and carrying out your duties, there will be challenges, attacks and setbacks. But once you are focused and on the right course, nothing can stop you.

Another one

When once it's your time to shine, nothing can stop it.

Thank you for reading...

Still the #threadsaddict 😂

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