The economist : The world's owner's magazine.

I believe that anyone has heard about the magazine "the economist" and its cover that always comes with some kind of "predictions" about the economy, world politics, which impress those who follow it. Was it really predictions or a programmed agenda? It is not for nothing that some of his most recent covers (2019, 2020) resulted in successes, such as the departure of Trump from the presidency, the arrival of the knights of the apocalypse, which in other words, means the arrival of pests (viruses) , deaths, conflicts, among several other coded messages, that the most intellectual will decipher without much effort.


The Economist magazine brings, among other subliminal messages, Trump's departure from power (2020 cover), as mentioned above, Xi Jinping (Chinese dictator) lie (2019 cover), which is supposedly about the virus that China hid it from the world and only reported it months later when it had already spread the virus around the world, the arrival on Mars, both on the cover of 2019 and in 2020, there is mention of deaths (we assume it is by the cov1d-19 virus), mentions a worldwide recession, this one caused by the impact of the virus, I believe to be the main cause, among other messages.


One thing is certain, we are slaves of the system, and the elite mocks us, it is remarkable, clear, the control over the world population. Some say that the messages exposed through pictures, words on the covers are trends that "they" think can supposedly happen, but they forget that we are living in the middle of a game against the computer (system), where everything is already programmed, while we can't change anything, just follow the rules, while "they" wait for the right turn to make the final deal.


The exposure of these covers only reveals the thoughts of the world elite about the world, what they want is not improvement or a better world, but the eternal quest for power, even if it costs "lives". If you think about it, there are many puppets at the forefront of politics around the world, putting on shows in which we are spectators. The shows (fights, discussions) in the executive and judicial plenary sessions are just to fantasize (deceive), in the end the agenda has to be on the agenda, regardless of the consequences it will generate, the important thing is for the elite to maintain power over the world population . Shit, isn't it? Until when will we be dominated, enslaved by the system? The right thing is, perhaps never, who knows in a new terrestrial civilization, because it is heading towards its own destruction.

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