One government, one currency and one global political system: The government that will precede the apocalypse.

In some European countries, they are discussing the passing of those vacc1nated, that is, they will have privileges compared to others who chose not to be vacc1nated. We even have cases of social exclusion, Jenn1fer Aniston, a famous global actress, admitted that people who didn't get vacc1nated would be off her list of friends. Everything suggests that they are truly forcing the general population to be vacc1nated. In Brazil there is a strong appeal from social media for the general immun1zation of people, even left for the president, who initially spoke with a denial tone about the v1rus, was soon massacred by the main local press vehicles, even called genocide by a portion of the population. Israel, which immun1zed part of its population with pf1zer's immun1zing agent, thought it would get rid of the masks, but with the sudden increase in cases, it had to go back and force people to use it in case of grouping. Do you know what that means? That the vacc1ne helps your 1mmune system react better when infected with the v1rus, but it doesn't make you 1mmune to it, right? The difference between an unvacc1nated person and a vacc1nated one is that, if the unvacc1nated person contracts the disease, the probability of aggravating the disease to a critical condition is greater than the vacc1nated one, that's all. Taking into account the repercussion that this has generated and still generates, the protests of those against and the overwhelming attempt by the press and governments to hasten global immun1zation, we can say that the trial is being well executed, leaving only few details for the world population be dominated, one of them is fear, yes, fear makes you generally accept the conditions that are imposed on the group and others.


The world won't be the same from now on, don't forget that. This pandem1c served/serves as a testing ground for the installation in the near future of a population control and tracking system. I don't know if you believe it, but the antichrist government that will emerge in the not-too-distant future will be based on an authoritarian and total control system, with the help of cameras, which will be scattered everywhere possible (china already uses themselves from this surveillance system) and to implement they will install something in your body, using nanotechnology, to track you (that way, you won't be able to escape the system) you won't have to hide from the" all-seeing eye ". Human beings cannot be in several places at the same time, for this they will use technology more than ever in their favor, which will play the role of vigilant for the man who is in charge of the global, giving him omnipresence, being the satellites play a key role in this process. And for the population to fall in with the dominants, it is not enough just to implement rules, the press, together with government agencies and the citizens themselves, will put pressure on society to impose exclusion on those who do not accept to be submissive to the system. People will denounce you to the authorities if you run away from the rules of the system, making you an outlaw and excluded from the social environment. The fact reminds me of the Nazi authoritarian system, in which people denounced where minority groups hid, causing these poor people to be captured and taken by force to Earth's hell, under the eyes of evildoers.


Regarding the government of the new age, this will resemble an oppressive, crushing dictatorship, where the individual will have to choose between "freedom" under the gaze of the government with limits on everything, even in choices and without freedom of expression, with its walk being constantly watched, and the food being distributed following a global egalitarian parameter, where the person will only have one option of faith to follow or else he will have to be a fugitive for the rest of his life, if not caught before, denounced by his loud-mouthed neighbor , who will receive rewards for reporting him to the brutal system.


And would you abdicate your individual freedom to be accepted in a society, in which you would be a puppet of the system?

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