Did Reptilians inhabit the earth before the creation of mankind?

There are many figures engraved on walls, ancient handcrafted pieces, and in theoretical literature (bible = Christianity, Torah = Jews), depicting reptilian beings. time that they inhabited / visited our planet.


One of the best known books in the world, if not the best known, the bible, mentions a reptilian being who possessed knowledge, reason, something that Adam and Eve had not yet learned, had not acquired, in which that being, did with Eve to taste one of the fruits of the tree that God had forbidden to touch her. When tasting the forbidden fruit, Eva acquired knowledge, rationality and as a punishment for disobedience, God expelled them from that place, also known as the garden of Eden, and the reptilian being lost his physique (legs, arms) and also the ability to think, speak, transforming into a common reptile, all this according to the bible.


However, what most intrigues us is, to know if the first civilizations on earth were reptilians and not humans. The previous fact that these extraterrestrial beings had knowledge, and communicated easily with human beings, leads us to understand that these beings had information from the first humans, as the language they communicated could be the same, which more perplexing is to state that they were much more evolved, intelligent than the first humans on earth, which leads us to believe that they would be on earth before the first humans.


That these beings were among us is undeniable. Paintings, artifacts, biblical books tell us this, but we must analyze the possibility that they still exist today, it may be that they have secret locations, away from the spotlight and human action, or better, if they have advanced knowledge of technologies of camouflage, or even advanced holograms, transfiguring themselves into a normal person, enabling them to be among us without being disturbed. There are these possibilities, but they are theories.

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