All that celebrity feels - On TV for the first time

So 22nd Jan 2022 was indeed kind of a big deal for me as I got feature on TV for the first time. A full length interview discussing about hereditary cancers and spreading awareness about the same amongst the masses.


When I first got to know about this opportunity, obviously I got really nervous! Because of two reasons to be honest, one that I would be facing the cameras for the first time and second that I would have to deliver the interview in Marathi.

Although, I am born and brought up in Mumbai and my Marathi is pretty decent, talking live on television in the language would be a whole different challenge altogether. To add it up, I was talking on a scientific topic so obviously I had to use words which the layman could understand and that too in Marathi!

So then started my prep! I had got a heads up on the questions that I would be asked. I prepared these answers in English and took help of my Maharashtrian colleagues to translate them into Marathi. At first, I was focussing a lot on the language and hence was not being able to deliver the message correctly. After a lot of practicing, I decided that I would not focus on the language and will go with the flow when I speak. Oh boy! It did turn so much confident and different when I decided to do that. You can find the final outcome at the end of the blog.




When I actually reached the TV9 studio on the 22nd morning, the sight made me think to myself that there’s so much behind the scenes that we are never aware of. The studio is huge and absolutely amazing. There was so much happening together at a time. Some prime time news being shot, reporters being tracked, back end team working on the advertisements and so much more.

As soon as I reached and introduced myself, I was taken to the makeup room for some touch up. I was astonished at how there is a separate make up room and in house makeup artists dedicated to a news channel. I did get a quick glam up and I was just so impressed by it.




There’s a picture of how I looked pre and post the make up! Amazing, right?

We were greeted by our interviewer. She was really sweet. It being our first time on TV, she generously explained us to how the whole flow would be. We were instructed on the time limitations we had and how we would get cues when we need to wind up sooner. Mics were attached to our clothes and the main device was given to be kept that the back.


That is me and my fellow consultant oncologist. That’s our nervous face selfie just before the interview began! We clicked it for the records.

It was a very mixed kind of feeling sitting there in front of three huge cameras staring at you! There was also a live TV screen which showed us how we were being portrayed to the audience. I wondered how proud my family and friends would be feeling watching me talk live on television. Thinking about my loved ones gave me an adrenaline rush and I just knew I had to deliver nothing less than the best.

And so it went! Here’s the final interview which went live on television and youtube simultaneously. I am not sure a lot of you would understand what I am speaking. It is in a regional language called Marathi. Although, I would appreciate if you could note the confidence with which I delivered in my very first television interview. I was indeed proud of myself! Let me know what you think and upvote if you liked this experience.

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