Big Snow Storm


The other day we had a snow storm storm warning come though where I live in Canada. It began pretty early in the morning and carried on through to the evening.


I watched the snow get worse throughout the day from my office window and tried to take a photo every couple of hours to watch the conditions progress, or maybe deteriorate would be a more fitting word.


Note the cyclist in the photo above, biking with a snow shovel across his handle bars... I don't know whether to be impressed by his daring or concerned about his mental health.



We had a storm like this on the 23rd of December and I made it home alright that day, so I wasn't too concerned.



you cant actually tell how hard its snowing from the photos but you can kind of get an idea from the one right above at how bad it was getting. It was not stop heavy snow and was basically moving towards white out conditions.


The roads weren't overly bad in some places but they were moving at a snails pace everywhere. It was slow enough for me to take a photo while driving...I was all but stopped really.


I waited in line for my exit off the highway for a long time, only moving up one car length every 3 minutes or so.

Just as a note: the rest of the photos are just to show how pretty the snow made everything.


After about 15 minutes or more of waiting to exit, I realized that the line wasn't really going forward at all, it was only moving because people were leaving the que to find an alternate route home. Eventually I followed suite. As it turned out the exit was shut down entirely and the other highway that I needed to get home was closed off.


I basically couldn't get home that night, so I took the next exit to loop around and head back in the other direction. Luckily my in laws have an extra bed and live only 20 minutes away from my work. If I would have went straight there I would have saved myself at least an hour and half of messing around in traffic. But what can you do. I stayed the night and then went back to work the next day in the same clothes that I had been wearing the night before 😂.


But anyway, look at how pretty the snow made everything!

Well thats it for now. Until next time, thanks for stopping by.

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