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No room for comparison! our path in life our different

Good morning to everyone.Am glad sharing this reality of life from the temple of grace and mercy. Do you know in life every one path is different?. That's it is fruitless to start comparing your path to anyone else.Not only that Your Path is your path! Never to be compared with others.Everyone's triumphs,bottleneck and timeline are different!.
Examples abound but let me use two classical true life experiences of mine. I had wanted to become a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) but ended up being a Forester and Information scientist by training and profession.I signed up for a six year DVM at a premier university in my country, though the journey was smooth Midway but in the fourth year I encountered some challenges and was advised to withdrawal which I did and begin a new journey in the field of Forestry for another five years.In total I spent eleven years in my undergraduate years of academic pursuit of knowledge courtesy other miscellaneous challenges.
The other classical example is when I once wrote an exam in which the question papers of all those sitting next to me were different!.So it's literally
difficult for a friend to ask me about a question as I couldn't help him simply because his question paper was different from mine!.
With that I realized that In life everyone journey is different!.I also remembered that what killed UZZAH in bible promoted OBEDEDOM. Nobody else is better than you! and stop looking at those ahead or behind you in life! . Stop wishing you never made a mistake in the past like some others whom you consider perfect!. Nobody is perfect except God.
Don't forget that You are not your mistakes but they are what you did and not who you are. I remembered a frustrated Lady who came to my father's office years back and told him "Daddy, I guess I'm not good enough for anyone,I can't make anyone stay.They always come and go! I'm not even good enough for explanation.All my peers are married'.Wow!My father simply told her instantly:IN LIFE,EVERYONE PATH IS DIFFERENT!Oh , that knocked her back to high self esteem!. Listen everyone.the moment somebody tells you or make you feel you are not good enough is the moment you know you are better off.Free them because God has a bigger plan!.

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