Wiz Drip 78. You Can’t Shortcut Your Way to Respect and Expect Cheer

Krisz Rokk's Wiz Drip 78 - Prejudice

Prejudice. You get your bias and preconceptions from limiting beliefs you’ve assimilated since Ancient times and throughout galaxies. Misconceptions have guided you to adhere to patterns of cognitive dissonance favoring intolerance and injustice.

Your animosity towards structure and coordinated habits spark animosity in your vibrational field, celebrating your narrow-mindedness and turning harmonics into your biggest enemy.

How can we twist your frequency and turn your aversion towards fairness and goodwill into a power plant of love, happiness, and esteem?

Start by honoring and respecting yourself wholeheartedly. Dive into your deepest fears to understand how indestructible and powerful you are as a being. Use my energy to accumulate knowledge and wisdom while you’re experiencing duality.

Education and discernment are mission-critical in this gigantic sphere where sacred geometry is scattered throughout the universal grid.

You can’t shortcut your way to respect and expect cheer, beautiful soul.

💎💎💎 Krisz Rokk 💎💎💎

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