A Change in My Investment Strategies Regarding POB - Near Term Goals and Actions

Until recently every POB author reward I have received has been converted to HIVE and reinvested in passive income producing tokens (for example, SPI and Utopis among others). I was pursuing this strategy due to my age (62) and the fact that I would like to build a passive income stream over the next two to three years so that I may relax and enjoy my retirement.

Recently, however, I have been reassessing my usage of the POB tokens I am receiving. A little over a week ago, I began staking some of the POB I have earned and in this short period I have staked 58.95004432 POB. Hey, it's a start.

Why did I decide to make this minor adjustment to my strategy? Well I began to think that the POB income I was earning came to me as a result of others staking POB. So I figured that to continue with the trend and make an attempt to give back to the community I would begin to upvote what I believed to be quality content and have that content carry with it some financial reward. I now spend some time each morning on the front end here looking for quality content to upvote.

I am not at a passive income stage as of yet where I can totally stop selling off some of the POB I receive. (Nor can I stop selling Leo and Hive to fund investments on Cub Finance). But going forward, it is my plan to stake a portion of the POB received each payout, while continue seeking higher passive income streams at the same time. So yes, it should be no time at all before I reach my first goal of 250 POB staked (should my author rewards not diminish) and I can set my sights on my next goal of 1000 POB staked. In this fashion, I believe my actions prove to be of benefit to me and to the POB Community as a whole.

In the future when I am more financially set and settled in (I am planning a permanent move outside the US ), I will reconsider taking a more active role in POB matters.

All of the above I would like to note, concerns matters which until today I believed were personal to me. However, a little while ago I received a comment on an older article published on a different front-end from a "high ranking" individual on POB. To a degree this comment troubled me.

You see, I believed that upvotes and the financial benefits that attached to them here were based on well thought, clear, and quality article contents. Being apolitical in nature, I never considered all of the attendant ramifications and conditions required to maintain receiving upvotes and financial benefits from quality articles I post.

From this comment, I learned the following: "There is a push underway to increase upfront transparency with respect to authors' voting histories, token-selloff tendencies, and other characteristics -- so that curators can take those facts into consideration upfront, before placing upvotes. With the recent drop in the market price of POB, I expect to see an immediate push away from upvoting POB content produced by authors with a history of having 'weak hands'." ( I will withhold the name of the sender for concerns of privacy). This person likewise suggested: "... write a post telling the POB community about that (and detailing whatever commitments you might be willing to make with respect to promoting and/or hodling POB)."

I enjoy being a part of the POB Community and am still relatively new here (like 3+ months). But based on this message I felt forced to share my personal financial strategies, which in reality is no one's business but my own.

I conclude with a word about the author of the comment that invoked this dialog. This person has been a strong supporter of my work here on POB. I have found this person to be a fair individual with a high degree of integrity. Although somewhat troubling to me, I have heeded the advice and set forth my near term intentions with respect to POB. I may be troubled, but I hold no ill will toward this commenter.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

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