How do you help someone ? You can actually give some money or food to help a needy person because that's what basic need of a person is. Can you tell me would you help someone without reading this blog further just comment down and then you can continue reading here.

So , I suppose you have written down in comment what i asked about so let me put my point of view about how i think someone can help a needy person in the best way.

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Giving money or food is not at all bad but I think if you can give that person a work it will be more good. Your money or food will finish Someday and then that person will again search for food or money , right?

but if you give that person a work then he will do hardwork and become independent one day for sure. Let me give you an example , there is a very close person of mine who told me story of a poor man who was in search of food.

Now when this poor man asked for food from one person , he was asked if he can do some work to earn food. The poor man agreed to do any work if possible for the food.

So the poor man was asked to clean the car and then only he will get food. The poor man cleaned the car properly and then he received food and some money as well.

He was so happy because it was not a charity but it was the food and money earned by him , by doing hardwork.

What I think from this incident is that we should help people by providing them some work or permanent job if possible. By doing this we can fight poverty as well and it is better then giving charity just like that.

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It is just my opinion and I am open to any discussions if someone would like to point out something that i might have missed. I would love to learn new things.

Thank you

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