Love the Clouds: changing moods in the sky.

I took so many photos of the sky over the city to record changing moods and changes in the skyline. I wondered why I never got bored by, more or less, the same views from my windows everyday. I seemed to take things for granted and the stability of the outside views gave me a sense of comfort and security. Had the cityscape and views of the sky changed drastically everyday, life would become very unstable and unpredictable.

So, I was content with observing changes in the clouds which reflected the changing seasons. The physical surroundings and invisible vibes in the air did have impact on my state of being. As everything vibrates with their specific frequencies, disturbances in these vibes would affect my mood in different ways. That’s probably why I always check the sky to see if there were any warning signs or floating messages in the sky.

Somehow the colours of the sky and formations of various clouds seemed to have hidden messages for me. I tried not to be too receptive to all the disturbing vibes in the sky some time. I had to let go and accept the karmic law. To perceive others’ problems and sufferings could be too overwhelming for maintaining peace in my mind. But changes, life and death were a fact of life which we all had to face whether we liked it or not. I tried my best to be mindful and be centered.

However, some days the sky was full of vitality and good vibes. These happy moments made me reach for my camera for I would like to be reminded of these good vibes on cloudy days by looking at these pictures. I also took photos of sad and cloudy days. I could study these photos and try to decipher the hidden messages more accurately.

Long time ago, a kind German psychic and healer taught me how to see energy in the air. It sounded very strange to me and o could hardly understand her words. She used different words or labels to describe the thing that I had often seen and taken for granted that other people could perceive what I could see naturally as a habit. The healer was very surprised by my description in my own words. Then she offered to take me inside a crystal to see the world from inside a quartz crystal ball.

So, I told her about my short walk inside a giant crystal ball long time ago. She was flabbergasted while I just took it for granted as I supposed it was quite a common thing. The difficult thing for me has always been the decoding of many messages carried among the clouds or floating in the sky. There were too many diverse messages and moving vibes that it was very difficult for me to concentrate on a particular message. I would like to browse through many messages at the same time. Perhaps I had to curtail my desire and just let the messages to reveal themselves to me.

I often talked to the sky and clouds. It’s good to have amiable relationships with clouds and sky. The sun played a very important role in giving all living creatures the nourishment and energy for survival. So, I had to thank the sun, sky and clouds quite often. My life would be very boring without seeing blue sky in bright sunshine with some white clouds floating around. I haven’t met my old healer friend for wuite a long time. I would have to ask the sky and clouds to bring me news about my old German friend soon.

Wishing you peace, good health and prosperity.

Stay strong and cheerful.

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