Happy Caturday: double orange cats on the roof.

Time flew by very fast during the past week while I was too occupied with daily tasks and chores. My mind was spinning very fast and I lost my sense of time. The tide of events and activities just blended my consciousness into the stream of ever moving flows of energies and emotions. It was like being sucked through a worm hole into a surreal space of reality.



The thoughts of my orange cats kept reminding me of the reality of this physical dimension. I had to make an effort to phone up my gardener to ask about my cats and the aggressive stray cat who like to terrorise my cats. She told me that cat was seen eating cat food in the morning! She had chased him away while our cats were on the roof hiding away from the intruder.


I often saw this stray cat at the cottage by the river front. It seemed he made his daily round of inspection along the dirt road; he stopped at two of my neighbours’ houses on the way to my house. My gardener told me that orange cats often climbed up the tree then jumped onto the roof to stay away from danger.


I thought I might be the person who introduced them to have a short walk on the roof. Sometimes orange cats needed to be entertained like children. They walked around all the rooms and climbed up boxes in the storage room for curiosity sake. I had to make room in the cabinet under the sink so that they could go inside to investigate the unknown. They appeared to be bored with the same old hiding places under the table and chairs. So, I decided to open the door leading towards the roof.


At first they were quite hesitant about walking on the metallic roof as they made noises under their paws. They spent a few short moments on the roof then asked to come back inside the house. Later on, both Joan and Kwan asked to let outside on the roof where they had afternoon suntan. Joan did take a nap on the roof once. Kwan found a way to get onto the roof by climbing up the small tree under the roof. Those small branches were quite thin and flimsy but they could make their way up to the top of the tree and jumped the small gap between the tree and roof. These orange cats were not afraid of falling down the trees!


The roof was about three meters above the ground so orange cats could feel safe from stray dogs. They could keep very quiet up there when the intruding stray cat dropped by for some cat food. This stray cat would charge at Joan and he tried to take over the house; he even made markings at the door, the kitchen cabinet and at the stairs. He was declaring that he owned everything and he’s the new cat king of the house. He could recognise me when I went cycling along the river. He didn’t show any sign of remorse for his wrong doings so I thought it was a waste of time trying to reason with him. This cat had very bad behaviour and needed a therapist!


At least I knew orange cats found another hiding place where they could be safe from stray dogs and aggressive stray cats. I just wish this stray cat would get married to one of those young cats along the riverfront and get settled down one day. I did wonder why he had such nasty habit of attacking other cats. The neighbour’s newly adopted old stray cat was attacked by this cat causing the old cat to endure bleeding face with bad wounds. My neighbour was very upset as that cat was very old and helpless. So, this stat cat has become quite notorious among local residents. I did wonder why he got into this bad personality.


My orange cats have been behaving more like dogs than cats everyday. They responded to my calling their names and they would run fast to find me. Now I knew they could both recognise their names distinctly. They knew how to knock on the front door with their heads to make noises so that I would open the door for them. If I didn’t hear their calls, they would climb up the tree and onto the roof to find me in the kitchen where I could see them. Then I would let them inside. I just hope they wouldn’t try to talk to me on my language! That would be quite shocking and change the whole game of communication. Meanwhile I hope orange cats would be healthy, safe and happy everyday.


Wishing you peace, good health and prosperity.

Stay strong and cheerful.

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