Beautiful Sunday: contemplating the future by the river.

Time slipped by too fast this week so I have to post photos taken on Sunday on a non-Sunday schedule of the week. If we adopt the different clock in other universe or dimension, I could be posting on the equivalent of Sunday according to a different clock. It would be nice to have a personal AI assistant to take dictation and instructions from me so that this AI assistant could type and inserted marked photos to make a post for me. It’s quite scary how fast AI could render humans’ actions and efforts to a minimum. I wonder what drastic changes would occur in my life. Would humans become useless as we could no longer contribute to society in a meaningful and efficient way?

I wonder what it would be like to see homely robots taking the elderly villagers for walks along the riverfront. Some runners might have robots coaching them during their daily exercises. How about renting robots to help with gardening work and weeding! But I doubt whether I could afford to rent a robot; only rich people could afford to keep or hire a robot service.

How about trading cryptocurrencies with the help of AI and personal robot assistants?! What would become of Hive and Hivers’ community? Would we have to encompass AI to stay modern and relevant or viable in the real world? I happened to have so many questions popping into my head. The simple and quiet atmosphere by the river seemed like the world wouldn’t change so fast and time would remain slow for ages. But this stable surrounding gave me warnings about things behind the curtains. We could never know what’s developing behind our backs. Surprises could spring up one day and unsettle our routine and lifestyles.

I guess it’s too late to stop or slow down the momentum of progress in AI development. Though Elon Musk and several scientists wanted to stop the speedy progress in the adoption of AI in all aspects of our lives, more money flows into research on AI. Soon we would probably see AI embedded in all gadgets. Then life would never be the same anymore.

However, I hope that life in the faraway countryside and places by the river wouldn’t be drastically affected by thr deployment of AI in our society. Then, I could still go for long walks or cycling along the river. But the combination of blockchain and AI should cause more anxiety for me. I heard that a big data center would be set up and invested by a big conglomerate. Tesla would be looking for land to build a new factory next year. Things are moving fast behind the curtain. Most villagers would definitely be caught by surprise once the new surveillance system has been completed by the authority.

Everyone would be affected by this unexpected change; no one could do anything without being recorded and tracked via mobile gadgets. I hope any pray for some unexpected positive interventions so that then surveillance systems wouldn’t work effectively or become unreliable. Perhaps some nice aliens would insert some funny viruses into the operating systems and controlling software. My peaceful evening by the river has been interrupted by fuzzy thoughts about AI and our future world. Perhaps I will have to learn some magic tricks to destabilise the instruments for surveillance in the near future!?

Wishing you peace, good health and prosperity.

Stay strong and cheerful.

#beautifulsunday hosted by @ace108

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