Fear of losing and moving on in life !

The fear of losing something is one of the most unwanted thing in this world. who would want to lose something from their life ? I guess no one would want to lose something from their life.

Be it money , family , or anything else we all want to keep them protected forever , don't we...?

But the sad reality is that it is not in our hand and we all lose everything one by one. The last thing we lose is our life.

We get sad when we lose something and it is natural but living in that state is not natural and we should come out of it as soon as possible.

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Life waits for us to come out of that but if we decide to live in that state even life leave us there. We should remember the good times and good things that happened with us to move on in life.

Once a sportsmen lost a match and he was sad , his coach told him to move and and practice to become better and remember how he was victorious all the other times.

So make yourself like that sportsmen and win your upcoming battles and don't be sad and remember the good old days to move on in life.

Thank you

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