A light philosophical moment to lighten life

A sign of the times...the writing's on the blue wall

In today’s post, since it’s holiday time, I will be having fun and writing on something more random, and light-hearted, perhaps even foolish. Humor, after all, is one of the greatest medicines. So today, let’s share the medicine and laugh a little, as the year comes to an end.

A line drawn in the sky?...that's where I draw the line.

Hermes said in his Hermetic philosophy, written in the Kybalion

“All is mind. “The universe is mental.”

Vedanta said

“It’s all illusion.” “It’s all you.” “You are it"
(aham brahmasmi) (tat twam asi)

This year a Quantum physicist was awarded the Nobel prize for saying

“The universe is an illusion.”

I kid you not, (while kidding all along). Seriously – today’s top scientists are being awarded the biggest prize by proving what Vedanta has been saying for thousands of years. That is deep.

I like the philosophy:

“It’s all in the mind.”

It implies that we can change our reality, even if only subjectively, by changing our mind. Science may somewhere say we can even change the outer objective reality by changing our mind. That would be awesome, and it is. Mystic yoga traditions have said so.

So change your mind and you change the world. What was a problem falls away without you having to do. You just need to be.

Vedanta says

“You are not the doer” (merely the observer).

Thus the solution is merely to be. Be what you want to be, even if just in your mind, and the reality of it will manifest for you. In other words visualize internally, in the mind’s eye, what the goal is. Visualize the goal. Give up worrying how it will manifest, simply get into the flow and go with it and it will manifest.

Quality above quantity. Being above doing. Now - above past or future.

Be here now. Be in bliss.

And do it artificially at first if needed. Fake it ‘til you make it. That is the secret. Relax. Let is be, as the song says.

Either you will no longer have a problem or you will no longer have the desire, and so your problem is solved. Or you will attract the solution and the problem is solved.

Modern life appears to drive us to do as much as possible, to achieve, to show your worth by your actions and your outcomes or results. However, that is a fool’s errand.

Rather we should do less and be more. Desire pushes us to hanker or lament. The Buddha said “Give up desire” and your problems are gone. I’m not a Buddha any more than you are.

We are all the Buddha – in the making, or is it in the being? Let’s meditate on that.

"Why all the hype?"

Anyway, when “less is more”, the conclusion is “You already have it.” Even if you don’t, simply act as if you do. A person in apathy appears almost exactly like a person who is enlightened. It seems desire for more creates as much disturbance as it does satisfaction.

However, the difference is unseen, internal and a state of consciousness. And since we are all parts and parcels of the one original single consciousness, we already have it, we lack nothing. We merely forget that we are complete.

Photo of a holy moment, or a symbol of wholeness, captured by the observer

We need nothing more than to remember who we are and what is reality. No action is needed other than a moment of introspection and self-reflection. You are part and parcel of everything, and vice versa. So you have it all.

For example, by feeling infinitely abundant, and by being in a mode of giving as opposed to getting, we attract all that we wish. It’s a matter of vibration, or mood or consciousness.

Aim for win-win, it’s not a zero sum game
There is more energy in the world than all of us could want. It’s all there, we have it all. Time might be the only thing separating us. And time, apparently is an illusion. Therefore there is no separation. No need for desire. We already have it.

There may be cycles, tides and the flow of rhythm, since nothing on this plane is permanent, yet once you’re ok with that, then there is no grasping or hoarding. Yin moves into yang, as the Taoists say. Be like water, as Bruce Lee said. Everything is in flow. So go with it.

Hivers do it for the honey... bee alive in the hive

Don’t be attached to the outcome. Just be yourself. The self is perfect and complete. Only our perception or consciousness varies. We place meaning on something and give it value, often purely subjectively. So we do it to ourselves.

If we get out of our own way, then the self can be fulfilled. And all of this is merely Mercurial stream of consciousness, so means nothing, or everything.

All is sacred or nothing is sacred.

It depends on the perception of the observer. Look within for the solution when it appears to be lacking externally. Life is magical and the human body is a magical machine which can perform miracles. Simply observe and reduce the external focus.

There you have it.

(Nothing in this article is to be taken seriously or as advice of any sort, and is purely for entertainment purposes.)

(photos my own)

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