Hi friends in this community i appreciate what is going on in the community proof of brain i have seen some good post made by many people.
For the first time I want make my own post today,and what am about to show is what i created on my own and with my own brain 👇

there is no source because the image is my own creation.

This is called pillar work that is rhe name given to it in this part of the world.

After building a house,to make it look more beautiful a lot of things are involved especially when we are talking about the exterior aspect of it.
Before the painting other things need to be put in place to bring about the overall beauty
This pillar design is among them.

It help beautify the house
It give the pillar additional strength
It also serve as protection

How to create it:
Everything about it involves moulding starting from the base that is the downword part of it till the cap that's is the upward part of it .
Alot of time and energy is needed to set this up .

Angle ironis important to help the work i also need sand
there are other tools needed which is important too like
Carved design
All this is used to bring the work to complition.
Looking at it it's beautiful proving that someone with brain did it

The brain is an important gift from an all wise maker and there are alot of things that we can do with it
Everything we do is from our brain
Whatever and however we channel it is what it will being about.
If we put it in good use it will bring about a better rewards.
I put mine in good use that is why am able to create this.

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