What Do You Look Out For Each Time You Return To Your Blog?


The Hive community has been a blessing to many people. It has allowed most of us to monetize our creations, be it articles, artworks, videos, etc. Content creators who were privileged to discover Hive have abandoned centralized social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram where their contents are not easily monetized.

Nevertheless, the Hive blockchain is structured in such a way that your earning is a function of other members' engagement on your post. This has been a challenge to many content creators because of the poor engagement they receive on articles they spent hours drafting. Some users give up easily after some time due to low engagement on their posts, while some stayed focused, and through their actions, drive engagement to their posts.

The question in the title is mainly for Hivans who are still in the Hive community irrespective of what they earn.
One certain thing is the fact that When we make a post, we are expecting rewards from the post. This is one of the features of the Hive community.

So, between upvotes and comments, which do you value more?

For me, In as much as I want to see upvotes amounting up to thousands of dollars on my post, I value comments. Most times I see a user upvoting 100% on my post. Indeed, I am happy because it shows that they agree with what I have written. However, they end up dropping no comment on the post. There are indeed some posts which the reader will likely have little or no comment to drop, less it turns to spam. There are also some posts where the writer may have made a good post but missed some points. This is where the reader should outside upvoting the post, contribute to the post.

The truth of the matter is that I would prefer to see more comments on my posts because it tells me that people are reading my post. That they are not just upvoting it, only for the sake of rewards. A balance between upvoting and comment is what I will hope to see in 2022.

So, I want to invite some of my friends to this table. I would love to hear your opinion on this. So, I will invite @mineopoly, @calumam, @scholaris, @samest. Feel free to join the discussion if you come across this post.

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