The first mission to Mars will be all-female.

The first mission to Mars will be all-female.


Space exploration is dominated by men like practically all fields of science and technology, at the beginning of the space race in the 1950s the pilots and military doctors in charge of selecting astronauts for the Mercury program William lovelace and Don flickinger proposed that training women for space missions made a lot of sense.

A group of 13 women were trained in the same way as the men and showed equal or in some cases better results, but since the only way to be an astronaut at that time was to be an air force test pilot and women were not allowed being military pilots, none of them went into space except Wally Funk who would travel in 2021 aboard the Blue origin vehicle at an invitation from Jeff Bezos obviously to publicize himself and became the oldest person to go into space at 82 years old , later that same year the record would be taken by 90-year-old Captain Kirk William Shatner also aboard the Blue origin vehicle.


In 1983 an American woman went into space, Sally Bright reached Earth orbit on Challenger on the seventh Shuttle Mission, but 20 years (in 1963) ago the Soviets sent their first cosmonaut into space Valentina tereshkova orbited the earth 48 times for 70 hours traveling alone in the Vostok 6 ship and was the first woman in space.

The aforementioned doctors' arguments for sending women into space were, on average women are lighter and take up less space than men, weight and bulk are super important when you want to send things into space, especially such a journey. long to mars

In the year 2000, the arguments were taken up by Geoffrey A. Landis , a NASA aerospace engineer and science fiction author who has won the main locu Hugo and nebula awards, in his proposal he spoke of interplanetary missions manned exclusively by women and returned to physiological advantages, such as lower body mass and volume, more consumption efficient use of resources such as food, oxygen and water.


It also included factors reflected in a multitude of sociological studies such as the marked tendency to solve interpersonal problems in a non-confrontational manner and to work cooperatively without resorting to hierarchical structures, this means that they more frequently solve problems without discussing and work as a team respecting the roles of each one something very useful for work and coexistence for 8 months confined to a small and closed space like that of a spaceship and years if we include a stay of months in a habitat on Mars and the return trip to the land.

A study from April 2023 delved into Landis's proposal and put numbers on it, a crew of four women with heights between about 1.50 and 1.90 on a 3-year mission would consume 1,695 kilograms less food than men and that is equivalent to 10% of the payload capacity of the falcon heavy rocket on a mission to Mars.

It is not little, it is a saving of 158 million dollars, the crew of women requires 26% less food, 29% less oxygen and 18% less water, all that free space could be used for more scientific instruments, more equipment that would increase the odds success of The Mission and better protection for the crew against radiation from outer space.

What do you think, the first crew to Mars will be all women...


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