The “business” of Climate Change

The “business” of Climate Change

Image created by me in playgroundai

There has always been this tendency for the United States to use Mexican territory to experiment, among other territories, it seems that anything potentially dangerous or with unknown consequences ends up being carried out as far away from important parts of the United States and curiously close. of Mexico, the more than a thousand nuclear tests that were carried out in New Mexico and snowfall are proof.

Luke Iseman, Texan entrepreneur and director of the company called Make sunsets, this tiny company established in Auckland California financed under the model "I make you dizzy with a lot of sticky technicalities and you give me your money" they state on their website that they launch reflective clouds and high-altitude biodegradables to reflect light and cool the world so we have time to fix climate change.

Souce From your website

This company will give us more time to solve the climate crisis, a very ambitious statement; shows us phrases like “buy cooling credits now”, “it will thank your baby, your seal, your snowflake and your planet”

These cooling credits cost 10 dollars and he will use that money to release a gram of "clouds" or sulfur oxide in the stratosphere, apparently many people believe the story, having an initial investment of 700 thousand dollars since November of the year In the past they have been quickly eating up money, having made just four pitches at a cost of $120,000.

Appreciate the context of a balloon launch

You can buy these High Altitude balloons on eBay from $10, shipping is more expensive, the electronic ones to track their trajectory are also cheap, you can buy the balloon and the geolocation tracker for just over $54, I don't know how much it costs a helium tank to fill a balloon, but they use them at children's parties can't be that expensive, definitely not $120,000.

But beyond the money, what is too notorious is that, to do a climate manipulation project, because you are literally altering the water cycle to obtain reflective clouds, the lack of scientific support in this little venture is worrisome, I would expect that at least on the page it will show that he has people with knowledge of meteorology or environmental sciences on his payroll, but no, it seems that it is just him and his friend who appears in several photos and video.

There is also no monitoring of the effects of the balloons launched in the atmosphere, there is no data, that is, a geoengineering project is invariably scientific and here there is no science, there is nothing, there is no post-launch analysis of the atmosphere, it is not even they recover the Balloons upon landing literally there seems to be no more employees in this company because at the bottom of the Blog there is a note that says 99% of this post was written by gpt chat and the image was generated using Dream Studio, the title was generated based on to the content of the amazing post was not even good to think of a title.

This project does not inspire any confidence in me, in addition to altering the climate with unexpected repercussions, good for Mexico that from this incident has prohibited experiments with geoengineering.


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