Orcas take “revenge”

Orcas take “revenge”.

Image created by me in playgroundai

First of all, I want to clarify that up to the moment in which I am Publishing this article none of the attacks have caused victims, orcas are the ones that rule the sea, it is a super predator, they are literally at the head of the food chain and if you think that the great white shark is the boss in the sea, well no, it has been recorded that two Orcas went out to hunt white sharks, searched for them, found them and killed three in one hour.

The strange thing is that they usually only hunt them for their liver, they almost surgically remove their liver to eat it, most likely they do it out of need for nutrients, just think about this for a moment, a great white shark is not safe if there is a gallows around, in fact, they are so afraid of the orcas that if one manages to escape an attack, they do not return to that territory for a year.

So how should a land animal feel, a wimpy primate trapped on a half-million-dollar yacht, broken, unable to escape as not one, but several killer whales continue to pound the hull and the water begins to enter.

Biologists who study this population of 35 Orcas that live off the coast of Spain and Portugal believe it all started three years ago, with one orca, a matriarch of the group named Gladys Blanca.

There are two hypotheses, one is that Gladys Blanca suffered a traumatic event that included one of these boats, it could be that she was hit by the hull or injured by the propellers and because of this now when Gladys Blanca sees one of these boats she tries to defend herself. ramming and hitting it, the part that seems to be the most fragile the rudder.

Screenshot of the incidents registered by orcaiberica.org Souce

The other hypothesis is that this behavior is a game that Gladys invented and her companions imitate it when they see her, some experts say that if this group of orcas really wanted to destroy the boats they would do it easily, the orcas are big and strong, they probably bother people rich in their yachts is just an activity they like to do, something like a game, not because they are rich or to start a class war lol.

Or simply because they coincide with their feeding routes, killer whales are extremely intelligent, their brain is one of the largest and most wrinkled, even more wrinkled than ours, the more folds a brain has, the more cortex area it has, which gives us a idea of ​​how intelligent they can be and the complexity of their behaviors.

Orcas like us are animals that have a culture, each group creates its own dialect that starts from a common language and that they transmit to the younger generations. We also know that they can teach the youngest complex behaviors such as hunting strategies.

Gladys Blanca has already taught 14 of her classmates to break ships, this may be due to the excessive extraction of tuna, which is the main source of food for killer whales in the northeast Atlantic and throughout the world, by the Chinese vessels that are preying on them. the seas and nobody does anything to prevent it.

Nobody knows what it could entail in the future, the researchers are studying and monitoring the case, and they have created a web page where it shows the incidents that have occurred, let's see what happens and that for no reason is it branded as threatening humans .


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