New compounds discovered

New compounds discovered


They have been found in a very special meteorite, typical meteorites weigh a few grams, ranging from a few grams to a few kilos, but the meteorite that I am going to talk about is huge, it is called El Alii after the region of Somalia where it was found, it is metallic, it weighs 15 tons, in the image it is only a fragment.

It was studied by Professor Chris Herd of the University of Alberta in Canada, he discovered in said sample two new minerals that he has called elaliite and elkinstonite.

The first name assigned is in honor of the meteorite and the second is in honor of Professor Lindy Elkins-Tanton, who in addition to being vice president of the interplanetary initiative at Arizona State University is the principal investigator of the Psyche mission to explore the great asteroid Psyche which is a metal rich asteroid this asteroid orbiting in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter is believed to be the core of an ancient protoplanet it is basically a block of metal.

It is said that it contains more gold than all the gold that exists on earth, more iron and more metals than humans have extracted throughout the history of humanity, this NASA mission will be launched in the next years; and it will surely have interesting results in the world of asteroids because asteroids can be a danger, but they can also be a great opportunity to obtain resources for humanity in the future.


Additionally, a third mineral that is being investigated has been found in the meteorite, it was discovered from a 70-g sample, in addition to the two new minerals, it is expected to find more compounds from the huge 15-ton asteroid.

Metallic meteorites such as El Alii are remains or fragments or splinters of the nuclei of large asteroids or protoplanets, so their study can provide us with clues about what is at the heart of planets.

Unfortunately the meteorite is now in China waiting to be sold, I say unfortunately because it is going to be auctioned, I believe that this meteorite should be part of the heritage of the people of Somalia and that it should be available for the study of scientists from all over the world. world and not kept awaiting the judgment of its owner.

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