Nature, creator of new compounds

Nature, creator of new compounds


In Nebraska, United States, there was an electrical storm that discharged a powerful Lightning strike that struck down a power line, something typical in a storm where a network or electrical installation is almost always damaged, but this time the Lightning discharge coincided with the presence of a sand dune and the combination of elements originated the almost instantaneous creation of a new material described as extraordinary in a study carried out in the laboratories at the University of Florence in Italy.

Researchers from various universities in the United States have worked on this study for many years. It is known that lightning can create new materials, the most typical being those formed when lightning melts the sand of a desert dune or on a beach, at those materials are called fulgurites, but this time the sand and metallic material from power lines were mixed together in an ultra-fast that reached temperatures of at least 1710 degrees Celsius.


The result was the formation of a quasi-crystal with a dodecagonal symmetry prohibited by periodic crystallography and with a composition never seen before. Quasicrystals are materials in which the atoms are arranged like a mosaic, they are in regular patterns but never merge. they repeat in the same way unlike what happens in normal crystals.

Quasicrystals can have a wide variety of technological applications, from prosthetic pan linings to space technology equipment. The problem is that it is difficult to manufacture it without imperfections and also that very few are known, so discovering a new one is of great scientific and technological interest.

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