Life on lonely planets

Life on lonely planets

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We can imagine an interstellar planet similar to Jupiter, even bigger and with one or several giant moons whose surface is frozen, but with hot cores that have melted the ice inside creating global oceans, oceans with more liquid water than we would find in all of us. Earth's oceans.

Those possible forms of life under an icy crust, perhaps a crust tens or hundreds of kilometers thick, would have a very limited fate, locked up under a slab of ice, but what if there was liquid water not inside but on the surface?

A group of researchers did their study on the possibility of the existence of liquid water on the surface of these moons of planets without stars, they showed that moons the size of the earth around planets similar to Jupiter or larger can have liquid water on the surface. surface, although according to his calculations the final amount of water for one is only one with the mass of the earth would be less than the amount of water that exists in the oceans of our planet, despite this it would be enough for them to develop at least forms of primordial life

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For this to happen, the moon also has to have a hot core and for that heat to go outside, in the solar system we have the example of the volcanic io, the moon that orbits closest to Jupiter of the four large Galilean satellites, that proximity It makes the tidal forces extremely intense and there are hundreds of active volcanoes on Io, actually there are too many active volcanoes on Iop for there to be liquid water and there is not even ice.

Io is by far the least watery known object in the solar system, but we can imagine one just one the size of Earth orbiting a starless planet, not as close as I do to Jupiter but close enough to that has volcanic activity, it would be enough for us to add a very dense atmosphere to prevent heat from escaping into space and to maintain the necessary pressure for liquid water to exist on the surface.

For researchers, moons the size of the Earth or larger with atmospheres similar in pressure to that of Venus, and with close orbits around their rogue planets are good candidates for finding worlds with water and the possibility of developing, therefore, life and could also remain in a stable orbit for billions of years.

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Life likes liquid water, but it also likes stability and having time for the magic of evolution to come into play, what would those beings be like who could live on the moons of wandering worlds without any stars, would they be based in water and in carbon like us, but it would be very different, they wouldn't know what a sunrise is, nor a sunset, surely they wouldn't use their eyes like us because the light would simply blind them, rather they would have to use thermal vision , since with thermal vision they could capture the infrared radiation of objects and other living beings and thus have an image of their environment, of their landscape

Perhaps imagine that someone would reach intelligence and wonder, looking at the sky, what would those beings be like who could live in the worlds that orbit the dazzling and burning stars.

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