Chinese rocket falls out of control

Chinese rocket falls out of control


It is not known what the damage from the impact was, the rocket was destined to launch a satellite to study stellar explosions, the media have described this mission as an unprecedented collaboration between the Asian giant and a Western power in this case. France in order to study the cosmos,

These explosions occur when two neutron stars merge, neutron stars are the ultradense remnants of massive stars that exploded. They can also occur when a neutron star and a black hole orbit each other before approaching and merging.

As you can imagine, these are colossal events and to study them, this observatory was launched, weighing 930 kg and carrying four scientific instruments, two of Chinese manufacture and two of French origin. The observatory was launched by means of a 2C long-range rocket from the base. Xichang space located in Zeyuan province, southwest China.

The observatory continued its course and is expected to come into operation in the fall so far so good, in fact, the National Center for Space Studies, which is the French space agency, and the National Space Administration of China, which is the Chinese space agency, rated in their statements that the launch was a success.


The problem is that we have another case of social quantum physics, in quantum physics the observer of a fact influences the way in which that fact is perceived and the same thing happens here, the launch observed from a comfortable armchair in Paris or Beijing has been everything a success without a doubt but observed from the town or villages where the people who have seen the rocket fall live, the result of the launch changes a lot, according to experts that orange cloud was hypergolic fuel that is highly toxic and is known to cause cancer, for Unfortunately, it is very possible that this cloud may have spread over areas of the village after the impact.

To date, the most serious case of an accident caused by an out-of-control Chinese rocket was on February 15, 1996. At that time, a long march 3b rocket deviated from its trajectory and immediately after takeoff ended up crashing in a town near the launch site, which at that time was a town with about 1,000 inhabitants, a rocket so large and loaded with fuel because it had just taken off, because the explosion was enormous, gigantic, according to the official statement from the Chinese government, the number of deaths was six and 57 people were injured but according to US estimates, many more people died, between 200 and 500.

When journalists were evacuated from the base they found that most of the buildings had been damaged or had been completely reduced to their foundations by the explosion, some eyewitnesses indicated they had seen dozens of ambulances and many trucks with stretchers loaded with what they could have been human remains, but there are also arguments in defense of the official Chinese statement.


This can be avoided by improving rocket technology so that the sections fall in a controlled manner or can even be recovered for reuse, but if this technology is not available there are much simpler safety methods that have been applied since the beginning of the space race, for example, the Soviet Union chose Baikonur as the world's first cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, there they created their semi-desert steppe launch center and even so to avoid problems in the event of an accident, an area of ​​6000 square km was cleared.

In the United States, NASA's strategy was to install the launch base at Cape Canaveral, a place on the coast so that in the event of an accident the remains of the rockets would fall into the sea and this is the same strategy that SpaceX followed to create its StarBase that It is located on the Texas coast very close to the Mexico border.

Not only China but any other nation that wants to be a space power should take the risk posed by the launch of space rockets very seriously and apply measures to protect the safety of the people who live around them.




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