Can you imagine seeing this in the sky.

Can you imagine seeing this in the sky.

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Betterheus is a super giant red star, it is part of the hunter's constellation Orion, which you could surely locate because there are three stars in a line to which we call Orion's belt and the red star that is on one of his shoulders, that is Betterheus.

With a mass 18 times greater than that of our sun, it is big, very big, if we were to change the sun to Betterheus, the inner planets mercury, Venus, earth and Mars we would be inside Bethel that big, but it is not only big too it is very close, in fact, almost all stars are so far away that even though they are huge when viewed through a telescope they are only seen as points of light, no matter how powerful the telescope is they are still seen as points.

But betelgeuse, which is large and close, we can see it as a sphere instead of a point, just as we see the disk of our sun, but much smaller and it is not really a round sphere, like our sun, it is much more irregular, like a bun of dough

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View of Betterheus if it were our sun

So Betterheus is red, it's big, it's irregular, it's very close and its other characteristic is that it has a very fickle temperament, as well as green prickly pears, our sun is a star for our good luck, very stable, calm, nothing alters it, from time to time when it sends us some auroras, but it shines more or less with the same intensity all the time that is necessary for life to continue on earth, but not all stars are like that, we are very lucky at this time.


Betterheus is a variable, semiregular star, which means that the intensity of its brightness has more or less regular cycles, sometimes it is so bright that it becomes the sixth brightest star in the sky and other times it is dim that it falls to the place 20, but in October 2019 it was so bright that we didn't know what the hell was going on.

There were even those who speculated that it was a dyson sphere, which is something out of science fiction, where a super advanced civilization builds a structure, a sphere that completely encloses a star in order to capture 100% of its energy.

The slightly less fictional and more scientific version was that the star had a mass emission from its surface and that this material when it cooled hid part of the brightness of the Star after betelgeuse recovered its brightness and we forgot about it until now, because that explanation of the emitted material that hides the glow does not explain what is happening at the moment.

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Betelgeuse is now increasing its brightness a lot, more than normal, more than 40% of the average, why is this happening, we don't know yet, it could be a phenomenon that we were not aware of and that has no significance or if we are very lucky betelgeuse It's entering its supernova phase, which would be a little more exciting.

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