POBPhotocontest New round : FIRE

It's another round of POBPhotocontest this round theme is fire : initiated by @friendlymoose .
In his post of the new theme announcement, he advised everyone to be careful because it is a dangerous theme.
I laughed, it is indeed dangerous.
But did my roommate think so?
Yes ,she does.
It is a dangerous thing for her in her religious beliefs race, every night she lights her candle and pray.
She will switch off the election light and light her candle, on her knees and pray for hours.
While I won't sleep, because I will be praying to God also in my mind.
"God, bless don't make this to cause a fire outbreak"
"God please don't let her sleep with the candle light on"
"God please don't allow her to mistakenly kick that candle while praying"
"God please don't allow me to sleep until I see to the end of when she off the candle"
Yes, it did turn to a powerful tool making two people to be awake and having their own request.

Here is my entry to the week's theme fire



Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Do enjoy the rest of your day.

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