Don't Waste Your Pain


The key is what we do in our times of pain. Pain will change us. Heartache, loss, and disappointments don't leave us the same. You'll get through it, but you will be different now. How the pain changes you is up to you. You can come out bitter or better.

You can come out with a chip on your shoulder and blame, or you can come out stronger and more confident. You can come out defeated, giving up on your dreams, or you can come out with a new passion, a new fire, excited about the new opportunities ahead of you. It exists to prepare you for development. It is a beautiful thing. A life without challenge is a life without challenge.

A life without challenge is a life without meaning. A life without pain is a life without growth, and where there is no growth, there is stale stagnant energy, and that's where most people live because most people's lives are designed to tread a path devoid of challenge.

Your likeness is found in your pain. Accept it, love it, and learn from it. Everyone encounters difficulties. There is no easy road. It does not exist. It is impossible. Everyone has issues.

When you come up with excuses for why other people are successful and you're not, that's dangerous. We all go through hard times; we all go through depression; we all go through doubt, and then there are moments in your life where it's really difficult. It's hard, but that's what makes you a person, and those difficult moments are what build your character. Painfully, hurting is part of the growing process, but I'll tell you something, life has a funny way of closing doors to keep you moving in the right direction.

We run from the pain. We do everything we can to protect ourselves and shield ourselves from feeling uncomfortable, that feeling of pain. We do this to avoid feeling the pain, but I'm telling you to stop. Stop trying to mask it. It's okay when you feel pain or disappointment. It's a part of the growth process. Learn from it. Accept it. Embrace it. Put it in its place.

You're going to be able to move forward stronger, faster, and smarter. If you're not struggling and getting disappointed from time to time, this probably means that you're not pushing your limits too far.

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