POBphotocontest : OLD yet charming tokyo tram line

i happened by a fun post which i later found out to be an entry to a contest here in hive. looked into it some more and when i saw that the rules for this week was to post something OLD, i couldn't help but join and give it a go. it is perfect for me who is currently living in one of the historically rich countries in the world, japan.

there are so many OLD, even ancient to share from this country. japan is one of those countries which successfully preserved the past. i surely do not want to share some of the old temples and old towns, that is too mainstream to share from japan. so here i am in my thought bubble.

when you talk of japan or tokyo in specific, images of the over packed train lines might have popped in your head (yes, i am talking about that one where station staff were helping to push people to fit inside a train car). tokyo is quite well known for an extensive train system. but before the extensive train system came to be, tokyo had a quite extensive tram or streetcar network.

i happen to live near a station of one of the only two remaining tram lines in tokyo, the historic tokyo sakura tram.


also known as the toden arakawa line, this line is the sole survivor of the once far reaching and extensive tokyo toden tram network with the oldest sections which are still in operation constructed way back 1913. that is literally OLD. upon further readings, all of tokyo's streetcar or tram network were shutdown in the 1960's due to a growing traffic congestion in the tokyo metropolis. but this line remained open because of the considerable oppositions from the residents along the route. just read some more info in this link.

i was very surprised when i saw the tram car pass before me for the first time. quite ignorant of this mode of transportation before, i was very amused by the rather small size and rather slower speed of the car. but i got inspired by it upon learning more of its history. no matter the size nor age, when a thing serves a purpose, people will rally behind it; people go beyond the mile to protect something important. back then, people kept this line open because it was the only mode of transportation favorable in the area; it was essential to their lives. now, with the rapid improvements in technology, the tram cars were also modernized and equipped with the latest gadgets but some things remain the same.


when i finally hopped in on one i felt how charming this line was: the passengers inside somehow felt at peace, and this made the atmosphere very light and somehow rural in fact. passengers for sure knew that it was slower than a regular train so only those willing to slow down become regular patrons. and the car line passes through the suburbs, away from the bustling loud metropolis; this is just perfect for the nonbiri or the leisurely enjoying life type of lifestyle, quite different from the usual tokyo life. and with the young passengers on board, the future is definitely bright for this tram line. i am quite sure that this charming little piece of history will be something they too will come to love and support.

this just proves that something OLD can also be something useful and well loved.

hope i have shared something new yet inspirational.
and as always, stay safe everyone.

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all content is by yours truly unless otherwise specified

all photos were taken with a galaxy s10

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