Artificial Leaves ||Hojas Artificiales [ENG/ESP]

At first glance you can see that they look beautiful, on the outside it seems that they are real, but I am sorry to tell you that they are artificial.
When you get closer, you realize that it is pure appearance, wanting to show something that they really are not, but they are so beautiful that sometimes we are fooled into believing that they really have life, but they are not.
So are people, sometimes we let ourselves be fooled by appearances and believe that a simple detail or simply how they look good on the outside have life but hide great things, those things that for God there is nothing hidden and sooner or later come to light.

Let's be careful because appearances are deceiving.
I learned with everything that has happened to me in this life not to be fooled by appearances
In my life I have met many people who look like a lamb and inside I am a big bad wolf.
That they have proven to be good people who have proven to be blameless and trustworthy people and in the long run God has brought everything to light and as I always say God is never late He is just on time.
I know that maybe as you read you will say what this plant has to do with what this girl has been through in her life... But you know, I give you some advice, don't be fooled by appearances, that means even until the good intentions because even a wolf can become lamb with "good intentions" and in turn can hide many things but the good thing about it is that if you really trust God, God will always be there waiting to bring everything to light Just on time, have a beautiful afternoon.

[Traducido al Español]

A simple vista podés observar que se ven hermosas, por fuera pareciera que son reales, pero lamento decirte que son artificiales.
Cuándo te vas acercando te das cuenta que es pura apariencia, querer demostrar algo que realmente no son pero son tan bellas qué a veces nos dejamos engañar creyendo que realmente tienen vida pero no es así.
Asimismo son las personas, a veces nos dejamos engañar por apariencias y creemos que un simple detalle o simplemente cómo se ven bien por fuera tienen vida pero esconden grandes cosas, esas cosas que para Dios no hay nada oculto y tarde temprano salen a la luz.
Tengamos cuidado porque las apariencias engañan.

Yo aprendí con todo lo que me ha pasado en esta vida a no dejarme engañar por las apariencias
En mi vida he conocido a muchas personas que parecen un cordero y por dentro soy un lobo feroz.
Que han demostrado ser buenas personas que han demostrado ser personas intachable y de confianza y a la larga Dios ha sacado a la luz todo y como siempre digo Dios nunca llega tarde llega Justo a tiempo.

Sé que tal vez a medida que lees dirás qué tiene que ver esta planta con lo que a esta chica ha pasado en su vida... Pero sabes que, te doy un consejo, no te dejes engañar por apariencias, eso significa incluso hasta las buenas intenciones porque incluso un lobo se puede vertir de cordero con" buenas intenciones" y a su vez puede esconder muchas cosas pero lo bueno de todo es que si realmente confías en Dios, Dios siempre va a estar ahí pendiente para sacar a la luz todo Justo a tiempo, que tengas un hermosa tarde.

Todas las fotografías fueron sacadas por mi, espero que les guste.

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