New user article - workload, feedback and reflections from my experience so far.

Hello fellow Hivers first post on the proof of Brain community!

I have been posting for a short time in a regular manner, but i came to some realizations about that i would like to write about and leave here in this article both for new users and also for my future reference. So in this article i will try to lay out some simple details that i think can improve both your productivity and revenues.


First i would like to raise awareness to the tools you have at your disposal, in this case i am talking about peakd, but i am sure other apps will have something similar to most of what i will be referring about in this next few points.

Use your time wisely, templates are your friends!

Most of us join HIVE at some point because we are talked and onboarded by someone we know already is using it, in many cases also, this person will have some interests in common with us, this being the case, we tend to write about our hobbies and the things we love. This makes the use of a template important for two reasons, first makes your posts look at least similar in their form and organization.

Second reason is when you develop a reading base, people and followers really want to read you, so consistency is key for results, by using templates you are saving time to keep writing more articles and pieces of info for your hungry readers. So remember, templates are your friends!

Format helps you and helps your users

Most people are used to platforms they can easily write on, but in HIVE formatting your texts and images is a must at some point, i came to realize that ecency posts do not resolve in the same manner than the ones from peakd, i might post something in peakd and looks ok, but when i access it from other frontend the images are all lined into the left, and it does not look nearly that great.

If you know nothing about text formatting this will take some time, some research and some practice, but it will make your articles easier on the eyes.

Also remember to use your H or title tags, they help your article SEO wise, i have not yet researched if any guidelines are given towards optimizing your articles for SEO in HIVE but i think this is something that could be worked on, there are a lot of hard working and talented people in this platform. Maybe something worth discussing on the comments.

Pick your crowds, and be a part of a family

You must understand it is very important to make yourself part of the boards you post into, people like to engage on interesting topics, and i know, sometimes we all have a kind of natural shyness, to comment, to speak our mind, but the more you try to express your point, the easy it gets.

You will a lot of times be drawn into topics you like, after all why else bother? so it is only natural you speak on said topics, even if for some reason you get corrected on anything what is the worst that can happen? You understand something new and learn? if you think about it does not make sense not to engage in some good discussion on a lot of postings, it is a great way to gather followers and make new friends.

Keep things inside the loop

Yesterday i had this all done post about some 90's POP Portuguese bands, when i realized that earlier i had seen a posting that used youtube, but the user disabled the viewing outside youtube's platform, this made it impossible to display in said posting the video that the poster intended.

The conclusion is this if we use HIVE and we invest our time and effort on it, we must have some plans for the future, i figure a good rule of thumb will be to upload the videos you are linking into, this will make it censorship resistant, and will avoid this pesky setting of display only in youtube, at the same time it will introduce new users to a part of the HIVE ecosystem they might not be familiar with, and also keeps them inside the HIVE loop, they no longer go away from the network to reach the intended content. Said article got on hold until i can get familiar with dtube and do this myself.

Big things have small beginnings

HIVE needs some work and time to bear serious fruits, if you are new you might not be aware, but i noticed that powering down is sometimes frowned upon. I am bias, i don't mind working and building on something since 0, having said that, i don't mind to buy HIVE and have done so, to grow my account, to get into some games, i think HIVE will have serious future despite present problems and limitations and it is in many regards ahead of a lot of platforms.

Asking for help is not a failure

If you in some way have the sensation you are not getting ahead, why not reach out and get some help? Try and look into incubation programs and communities, i assure you if you are working hard and reach out for help you will most of the times get it, usual rules apply by humble and don't play smart ass this will get you a long way!

Other topics worth listing

  • New user should try and get an introduction done, makes you look a lot more legit.
  • If people comment and give you feedback i think you should in most cases give them some feedback also, or else it will seem you never read or care about who read your stuff.
  • Don't forget to post image along side your articles, makes them stand out in a listing instead of being a simple line of text people barely see.
  • Investigate the tribe tokens you earn on HIVE, this will lead you to new topics and perhaps something new to read and learn.

At last, make it about something you love and it will always be something you enjoy and not another chore.

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