Dream and achieve it!

Everyone has a dream but not everyone is brave enough to chase their dreams, be brave enough to follow that dream, and don't let the wind blow your dreams away. - eylz

Ever since we are kids, we are taught to dream and not just to dream but to dream big, to see ourselves in the future having our own family, having our own career, being able to stand on our own, to tour the world, to have a pocket that as deep as you can imagine where you'll never run out of money, that every time you pull out, it replenish on its own.

But of course, dreams don't happen overnight, as Colin Powell says it also doesn't become reality through magic, it takes sweat, determination, and hard work.


We have to chase that dream.

But how do we chase that dream? How do we sweat to get that dream? What hard work do we need to do in order to achieve that dream?

There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: The fear of failure - Paulo Coelho

If the only thing that makes our dream impossibel to achieve is the fear of failure then we first have to remove that fear. The fear of failure. The fear that will only hinder us from achieving our dreams, and our goals, it will only make us give excuses not to take on that first step. That fear will only make us doubt ourselves. Always remember that in everything we do we have to believe in ourselves that we can make it. We need to have the confidence that everything that will come on our way, or anything that will blocked us from achieving those goals are just obstacles that can be remove.

Stop making excuses and do that first step to achieving your dreams and start believing in yourself that you can make it.

If you are a student, be sure to study hard, that's the first step in achieving anything, and if you are working already, know your job well, know which ladder to take, grow that network and connect well with the right people.


Leave that comfort zone!

Stepping out of your comfort zone is also important, yes it is scary and it can also make your confidence low but this one is important for you to grow and for you to know your strength and your weaknesses. You will never know your strength and your weakness if you are in the confines of your comfort zone. The moment you leave your comfort zone is the same moment you start to learn more about yourself, it is also the same moment that you will be able to try new things and it is also the same moment that you will learn that what you fear is also what will make you stronger and fearless.

And in time after you discover a lot of things from leaving that comfort zone, your self-confidence will start to develop too.


Your attitude. What's with the attitude? Your attitude is also one of the things that you have to watch in achieving anything. You have to stop procrastinating, you have to stop making excuses and start doing some actions. You have to set your mind on what you want to get and you have to fight yourself for being lazy. No one will push you to get that dream, you have to push yourself and you have to push yourself really hard.

Keep going.

There will be failures, there will be challenges, and there will be people who will distract you from achieving your dreams but don't allow anyone to distract you. Don't allow disappointment to stop you. You have to keep going no matter what. You have to keep going until you achieve that dream. It will never be easy. There will be times that you will be discouraged, unmotivated but you have to fight it, you have to find that motivation that you need for you to keep going until such time that you can say to yourself that you did it, and that's the only time that you can stop. And remember if your dreams don't scare you it means they are not big enough.


And if you've come this far... I hope that I was able to entertain you and made you smile... and for that Thank you.

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“Fall in love with taking care of yourself. Fall in love with the path of deep healing. Fall in love with becoming the best version of yourself but with patience, with compassion, and respect to your own journey.” —S. McNutt

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