Things to do While Hive Price is Down!

This year Hive has hit with the price issue. Last year we had decent October run. But it seems like this year our christmas is not going to be good due to Hive price. Instead we have to depend on other altcoins for the DCA. And it's time to face the music now.

You can't just pump content and remain in one place and expect things to get better. The price down is a beacon of diversification. You have to find other platforms and try to post content on them too. This way you are not locked into the token.

So what we as a content creator do while the Hive price is down? Here are some of my suggestions.

Find Alternative Platform

I know purists don't want to hear this but we have to find the alternative plaform and also spread our content there too. This way we can multi task and not get damaged when the price hits below 10 or stays under 20 cents for a long time. For example Publish0x is another good place to write. You have Lens protocol, Nostr etc. I am not going to give much suggestions here as there would be attacks on those who suggest the alternatives.

Explore NFTs

For those who are good with art, curation and content building you can use means of NFTs and try to monetize your NFTs in this space. There are people on opensea who are making use of the AI to make collections and turn them into NFTs. And that also helps them monetize. Don't expect it to make money overnight but any collection does take off, that would be a good direction for the futuer monetization.

Stake, Delegate and Wait

Most of the Hive big accounts have given the HP on the delegation. And they are earning good set of the rewards. And it has made them good and fat account development with this process. Outside hive there is ethereum and other blockchains where staking does help and chance for you to earn some rewards on regular basis. Reinvesting that also pays off.


Like the content creation on other platform, you also have to diversify, maybe even hire assistant or worker under you to write and distribute, schedule and build on the existing content. This would help you with the diversification of your efforts, time and resources. This diversification takes a bit of time though.

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