How to Protect Goals and Resist Unfair Responsibilities

Life is unfair. And people are often assigned the responsibilities and the life they don't want to live. And that kind of drags you down and make you restless and helpless for rest of the life. And that is where you have to pick on better options of life and move on.

In all of this drama you kind of move in such way that it can hurt you personal life. Some of the really good changes and the responsbiliies can happen when you take initiative yourself. But life is not fair like that and it can affect many places of happiness.

So let's talk about the goals and unfair responsibilities.

Distinguishing Between Facts and Fiction

Make sure to always cross check the facts and make sure to find out what is fiction in it. So this way things just happen to change and make better life ahead if you can improve the decision making. Filtering initiallly is not an easy task and you have to work on your skills to separeate between the two. It improves with practice and some level of efforts.

Identifying Manipulative Narrative

You may notice that people create the manipulative narrative and then make you work to get out of the same. And they would be finding the fun out of the same. So in this space, you have to make sure to understand which are the triggers. If you can understand that part you would get better with the narrative shrinking and making you choose wrong decisions.

Unwanted Responsibilities

You may notice that more people find you soft. The more you would get into situations that lead to the forced responsibilities and being manipulated in the places. Politely decline. As much as possible push the responsibilities and also make sure to avoid listening to the threats and the issues that you may face with the way people are manipulating.

Manage Guilt and Obligations

You would be given a lot of guilt and also there would be plenty of obligations that would hurt you. But the way things are going on it can be safe to say that you have to take some practice managing those guilt bombs on you and also understand not everything is your obligation. This is where you would learn how to draw the line. Preserve your time and energy in this process.

Once you are out of the maze. Next is avoiding the lethargy and making sure to claim your prize of the self goals and the achievements that you are chasing. This way you can understand how it would gain your own positive aura and the life gets back into your hands.

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