Always Have a Backup Plan!

Unpopular opinion ahead. Don't sue me or hate me.

A lot of people expect you to be a shill of frontend and the blockchain you are posting content on. I understand you need to have some level of shilling there in order to survive among the alligators otherwise they will bite you. However a lot of times the way waters are dark, it's always a good idea to have a backup plan.

Take case of LEO. You need to keep on posting there and then random upvote gets you some value for you time wasted there. You have to be premium to earn curation. Even if you are premium you can't assure you'd get the curation vote. Your threads can go waste of rewards too. Some may not even reach the payout. You earn a token that needs to be sold to have a value.

Take another case. EDS has a token that is said to have a upvote for the amount of specific EDS being hold. But I also found that to be not true. As there is no guranteed upvote. Next thing is that you find those laws do not apply to top accounts. So it kind of feels unfair that we are being told one thing and we are treated with another.

Then comes another case where friend of some project always gets treated well in curation and gets rewards in tokens and what not. I don't want to name names and create alligators around me. I am playing safe and not cause drama in this post. I am just getting my thoughts out so that newbies don't end up like me knowing things too late.

So what's up with the backup plan?

  1. Don't bother investing into token if they only have future value like say LEO. It only has future value but does not have return of value for holding.
  2. Don't bother assuming some tokens would earn you curation rewards, there must be some elite club that looks over specific set of people and ignores you.
  3. If you depend on Hive, it'd disappoint you unless you cross Dolphin and Orca level at that point you'd get attention for curation and votes.
  4. If you spread your content on Subsocial, Steem, Focus, DeSo and many other social networks, you're much better position.
  5. Don't get addicted to any frontend on Hive. Do your content post, engage and move on. Nothing is assured. So invest in the blockchains that are more assured. e.g. DeSo's FOCUS project, Twitter's creator revenue share etc.
  6. Don't think that you being selfish about your own money, time and growth is wrong. Shilling does not pay.

In short always have a backup plan. And that means spreading your effort even if it's on S*M chain. Because you are not part of their war. You do what you need to do as a content creator. You need to have your efforts spread. People may not like to read this or agree with this but since Pandemic you must have learned the lesson that "Every man(or woman) for themselves".

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