Permissibility, a source of future problems in the family and society



When we talk about a polite society, this has a lot to do with the education within the family, and if you do not create adequate standards for parents aimed at children, you run the risk of being very permissive and confuse the little ones at home, who often confuse love with being permissive, at least, I see it that way from my experience as a father and grandfather.

One of the most beautiful tasks we have in life is to educate our children, give them love and respect, being a parent is a constant challenge, and as they grow up this task becomes more complicated, although nothing difficult as long as we can harmonize with them, be recipients of their trust and release tensions that may occur due to lack of communication, but, these are things that we overcome with time.

There are parents who are characterized by being authoritarian, others by being permissive, in my case I confess that I like to be in the center, with a healthy authority, one built by facts much more than just words, also with features to offer freedoms that can generate confidence to them in their daily actions.

All the stages of people have their particular complexity, and much depends on the upbringing received by their parents, and we know that as parents we are exposed to mistakes, we are human and the important thing is to be attentive to the corrections to benefit the children with good values, for example, one of the mistakes that as parents we usually make is to try to grant all the wishes or requests of the children, and when we can not comply believe that we do not want to please him, it is an action to take into account.

The permissiveness from any angle where it is seen does not bring healthy behaviors because it is an extreme, and the extremes tend to be exaggerated, and as parents who are eager to bring good citizens to society we have to be very attentive to the permissibility towards children.

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