Getting up early in the morning.

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Basically I wake up everyday almost one our before the sunrise. And this is very helpful for my health I think. It is helpful not only for me but also for everyone. So I will invite all of you to wake up early in morning. Anyway, when I wake up early in the morning, the most thrilling issue I can feel is the fresh air of dawn. Our air becomes tremendously polluted because of many reasons whole day long. But the air can get a time to be freah again in night. And the birds of dawn can get a scope of taking the freah air.

Another issuse of getting early in morning is, you can get enough time to do everything in that day. Many of us don't get enough time of doing useful tasks. But if they get up early in the morning, they would get enough time to perform all tasks. There are many other advantages of getting up early in morning. So let's make a habit of wake up before sunset.

Thanks to everyone.

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