Grinders Verdict Podcast : Seeking Opinions

For those 2 people who are still interested in something coming out of the Grinders Verdict Podcast, this post is for you!
But honestly though, I would like an opinion for those who are interested in podcasts.

Why Grinders Verdict? My pseudonym throughout most of my music career was Deadmeatgrinder as a direct homage to Corpsegrinder from Cannibal Corpse, who inspired me to practice and become good at Death Metal vocals. Before you judge the name choice, I was 14 years old so cut me some slack. 😅 However, I have been into Grindcore music from around those times and like the genre, the blog was about being truthful, passionate and not giving a fuck about systems or what others thought of me or what I was doing. Hence, the continuation of Grinders Verdict.


For context and to give a bit of information regarding this podcast, I started the Grinders Verdict as a blog back in 2012, I believe. It was literally just a blog through blogger where I posted my opinions and thoughts about a multitude of subjects. Around 2018, when the Maze of Thoughts went into a hiatus, I decided to change it from a blog to a podcast.

I have always been passionate about this project because, even though online I tend to give the vibe of being an absolute douchebag, I did want to help people and in a small way try to improve the world. As a former alcoholic who had multiple suicides in the family, struggled with depression, low self-esteem, a neglectful family and a vast array of shitty relationships I legitimately wanted to try and provide advice to whoever was listening. Make myself feel good by hopefully making others feel good and hopeful. This was my main goal.

Further down the line I started branching out to providing advice on things I was doing and essentially learning about and mastering like voice overs, gaming, production, etc.
I had fun doing those but I understand that a podcast that covers so many things can start to get confusing and it will be difficult to grab onto a target audience. Which leads me to this post...

For the past 2 years I have been scrambling the ideas in my head and trying to come to a conclusion on the direction I want to take this podcast to and as someone who's into crime, there's so much of it that I feel like it's an endless supply of content to discuss. An interesting part of criminology to me always has been the psychological aspect of it... What leads to X? What drove Y to commit X? Were they mistreated as a child? Was stress a motivator? Bad relationships? It could go on and on...

So my intention with the cast for the future is to start covering these subjects and here's where I'd like the first opinion... Should I fully script these episodes for fluidity or should I come up with bullet points and provide opinion on those as I go? Personally, scripting is definitely better because of how fluid the recording would be, making it a straight to the point episode. However, I am terrible at scripting. I start caring about it so much that I end up procrastinating due to feeling overwhelmed. If anyone would be interested in working with me in regards to writing the scripts, please hit me up. If you just want to do a few here and there, you will be credited but if you want to join me in this adventure, I will make you part of the team... the team of me, myself and I but you get the point! 😅 Doing these particularly through bullet points would allow for the episode to feel more natural but, naturally, there are sounds we make when we're thinking and those happen most times subconsciously so that would probably happen, even though I have improved significantly over the years.

Another thing I'd like to ask you, the reader of this post, is if there are any cases you'd like me to address on an episode, it would help me a lot finding things that would be interesting to listen to.

Now, upon having the podcast episode done with everything good and dandy to go, I'd like to create a video (with very basic editing because I'm still a noob at it) with the audio and make it visually stimulating rather than just a waveform and a logo over a background.

If you made it this far reading this post, thank you very much and I hope to have you as a listener and/or viewer. I truly care about this project of mine, even thought it might seem like I ditched it, but to put it plain and simple, it all comes down to mental health being on the lows and leading to procrastinating. Again, thank you for reading and I hope you have a great day!

Here's some links for both the cast and other things I do :

Grinders Verdict Website

Livestreams on Twitch

Livestreams on VIMM

Maze of Thoughts Podcast on MSPWaves


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