How to deal with ungrateful people everyday

She knows all of your dreams. She understands you. You can blurt about anything around her. You are comfortable around her

You don't see the need to be perfect around her. Giving her the tiniest details about your life itches you like crazy


Isn't it funny? You have a girlfriend you wish could be like her. Why?

Your girlfriend doesn't understand you. You can not blurt out anything in her presence to avoid being judge or criticize.

You feel embarrassed around her. You are always on your toes. Constantly checking to see if you look good here and there. You are being self-conscious

Phew! What are you even doing with a girl like that anyway?

I can tell the first lady is too nice. You prefer the heat and self-consciousness as compared to the comfort girl A, brings to the table.

Oh, I remember, Taylor Swift, said, "boys only want love if it's torture."

Crazy right? Ask the boys, I have no idea

Wait a minute! Is it just the boys? Let's ask the girls

Do you prefer the guy you run over and chase other girls to be with? Or the Mr. Nice guy who is going head over heels for you?

You know the answer.

This is real life for you. We prefer to suffer than to like the nice things. Once we have nice things or people who are nice to us, we take them for granted.

Who is to blame for this? No one. It's human nature. You cannot treat someone nice all the time and expect them to stay gratfeul forever. No!

You have to give them a bit of pain, while intermediately giving them pleasure. It is the ingratitude instinct that we all suffer from. Everyone is guilty though.

If you understand the psychology that people will always want what they cannot have, you will be playing the games of life at a master's level.

To get that girl, that woman, that man, you need to alternate between the caress and the bite. Alternate between pleasure and pain. Stop treating people nice all the time.

If they know they can't have you all the time, they will no longer take you for granted. They will be fighting to keep you. Learn to keep people on their toes

Hey, you Mr. nice guy. Being nice won't get you that girl. Yes her boyfriend is beating her every day but she will choose him over you and by now you should know why.

I am not asking you to go round beating girls up. I am just telling you that sometimes, a little pain here and there is what you need to keep people on their toes. This includes the people that you love.

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