Proofofbrain Photocontest: colours

There is a photo contest by @friendlymoose called POBphotocontest.

Every week on Sunday a new round starts and the motto is announced.

To participate, you have to publish a post according to the theme, then leave a comment and a link in the contestpost and use the tag #pobphotocontest.
There are POB tokens to be won, which will be distributed as rewards for the published post.
Also @good-karma has donated Ecency points for the winners.
So it's worth joining in there.

This week's theme is Colours and here is my contribution.

I was at the Oktoberfest at the weekend and you see colours in all variations. Actually, the rides only consist of different colours.
So my contribution for this week is the colour variety of the Wiesn.



I hope you like it.

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