NIGHT, when it can be seen as in the day

When air currents from the north of Africa and the Sahara bring a warm air wave to this part of Europe, along with the local sun that additionally "heats" the atmosphere, the first days of summer become unbearable.
On those days, when the mercury in the thermometer rises well above 40°C outdoors, the only salvation is shade and darkness.

Although, even in the shade it becomes unbearable, because at 6 pm in the afternoon, when it should already be "easier to breathe", 35-40°C can be measured.

And then that heat seeps into our apartments.
Although air conditioners in those days consume electricity like BTC miners 🙂 they still fail to make the apartments pleasant to stay in during the day.

Only NIGHT can help.

At night, when the temperature drops to 23-26°C, by opening the windows and drilling, we can ensure a pleasant temperature for staying in the bedrooms.

And when there happens to be a sudden change in weather, when it thunders, it rains, when the night becomes white as day because of those lightnings, only then is it possible to cool down with the air and sleep without sweating.

It was like that two days ago.
After high daytime temperatures, the night brought rain, a drop in temperature and cooling.

Sleep saver!

When I saw the subject given to us in the #POBPhotocontest by our friend @friendlymoose, the first thing that came to mind was the name of Shakespeare's famous play "A Midsummer Night's Dream".
And the dream (of a chilled summer night) came to my eyes only after the night when the temperature dropped and I felt refreshed...

An attempt to take a picture of the night sky with lightning, with my cell phone Samsung S23+ partially succeeded. probably, for this kind of action, much more serious equipment and adjustment in pro mode is needed, but there was no time for such a thing, the storm was strong and short-lived 🙂
With this shot, I certainly captured what the illuminated Belgrade night sky looks like.

Thank you for stopping by my post and I hope you enjoyed the photos and the story I shared with you

All photos are my property, taken with a mobile phone

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