#Positive_thoughts IS SUICIDE THE SOLUTION?


Note: Everything I wrote is positive energy and is my own thoughts that I wanna share with my audience.

In recent days, I was hearing a lot of noise from Pakistani incidents. Although trust me I never even wanna talk about this negative topic. I brainstorm on this subject from reputable Pakistani news channel. After watching 3 hours of negative(harsh relatives) content for my audience(as I wanna write the best content on hive), I came to a conclusion that news channels are also playing blame game on government and different sectors.

Today we will not talk about any negativity of the world but still, I wanna convey my message to understand the issues related to it. These are the things I wanna convey to my audience:

(1) If you are in a public gathering never promote an act of suicide by any type of blaming. The act should not be appreciated in any way as we are unaware of the people listening to the discussion. Any type of public appreciation can trigger a chain reaction. Please always discourage the act of suicide and avoid blame game.

(2) When someone approaches you about his/her problems please try to help them instead of saying "You don't know dude what I am going through". This doesn't mean becoming their guardian or mentor all the time. You can sometimes just say "NO", It's ok to not help politely. When you help someone make sure you are helping them in a way that they are not dependent on you when you are not available.

(3) Learn about depression, anxiety, anger issues, and OCD. It is important to mention because in Pakistan(also included some other parts of the world) some people are afraid and think, If they have any one of those things then they will be considered as "Psychopaths". While in other parts of the world conversion is like "Wait, Let me get my pills. I am feeling depressed". When Pakistanis(some other countries too) can talk about fever, headache, flu then why not we can talk about depression, anxiety, and OCD. Please learn the difference between Psychopaths and depressed e.t.c.

(4) It's ok to have suicidal thoughts but it is not ok to get proper checkups. Don't play a blame game on parents, and society judging you. I know you get time to have many private meetings that society and parents are unaware of. In the same way, you can take action if you wanna keep your medical health secret about this topic.

(5) Stop the blame game of being poor, "I can't get proper treatment because I am from a poor/middle-class family". It is that simple:


(6) Don't be dependent on Plan "A". Always have Plan "B", "C", e.t.c ready. Some cases of depression lead to suicide it usually based on failure of a Plan. Why be too much dependent on something?

  1. Always, always, and always remember, there are other routes that you can take in life. For example: "Oh my Bad Luck!, I lost my job. How will I survive?".
    In the above statement, you can clearly notice a person thinking losing a job is a dead end. When one path closes, many opens.

That's from me today guys, I found myself speechless by listening to the news, So I decided to take an action about it, and instead of reporting the details on incidents, it's much better to guide people about the root causes of the problem. If I miss any points please mention them in the comment section.

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